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iamFIREcracker committed Dec 31, 2023
1 parent 1c5de87 commit dfd22ba
Showing 1 changed file with 267 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions src/2023/day21.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
(defpackage :aoc/2023/21*aoc-use*)
(in-package :aoc/2023/21)

(defparameter *north* '(-1 0))
(defparameter *east* '(0 1))
(defparameter *south* '(1 0))
(defparameter *west* '(0 -1))

(defun move-straight (pos dir &optional (times 1))
(mapcar #'+ pos (mapcar [* times _] dir)))

(defun parse-map (&optional (strings (uiop:read-file-lines #P"src/2023/day21.txt")))
(bnd* ((rows (length strings))
(cols (length (first strings)))
(map (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(dolist+ ((i s) (enumerate strings))
(dolist+ ((j ch) (enumerate s))
(when (find ch ".S")
(setf (gethash (list i j) map) ch))
(when (char= ch #\S)
(setf start (list i j)))))
(list map start rows cols)))
#+#:excluded (parse-map)

(defun part1 (&optional (input (parse-map)))
(destructuring-bind (map start rows cols) input
(bnd* ((q (list start)))
(repeat 64
(setf q (remove-duplicates
(dolist (pos q)
(dolist (dir (list *north* *east* *south* *west*))
(bnd* ((npos (move-straight pos dir)))
(when (gethash npos map)
(collect! npos))))))
:test #'equal)))
(length q))))
#+#:excluded (part1)
; 3746

(defun parse-map (&optional (strings (uiop:read-file-lines #P"src/2023/day21.txt")))
(bnd* ((rows (length strings))
(cols (length (first strings)))
(map (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(dolist+ ((i s) (enumerate strings))
(dolist+ ((j ch) (enumerate s))
(setf (gethash (list i j) map) ch)
(when (char= ch #\S)
(setf start (list i j)))))
(list map start rows cols)))
#+#:excluded (parse-map)

(defun recenter (pos rows cols)
(destructuring-bind (r c) pos
(multiple-value-bind (tr r) (floor r rows)
(multiple-value-bind (tc c) (floor c cols)
(list (list r c) (list tr tc))))))
#+#:excluded (recenter '(-1 65) 131 131)
#+#:excluded (recenter '(-132 65) 131 131)
#+#:excluded (recenter '(-263 65) 131 131)
#+#:excluded (recenter '(-263 131) 131 131)

(defun distances (max-tiles-away &optional (input (parse-map)))
(destructuring-bind (map (sr sc) rows cols) input
(bnd* ((q (make-queue))
(seen-at (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(enqueue (list sr sc 0 0 0) q)
(while (not (queue-empty-p q))
(bnd* (((r c tr tc step) (dequeue q))
(ch (gethash (list r c) map)))
(cond ((gethash (list r c tr tc) seen-at) nil)
((or (> (abs tr) max-tiles-away)
(> (abs tc) max-tiles-away))
((char= ch #\#) nil)
(t (setf (gethash (list r c tr tc) seen-at) step)
(dolist+ ((dr dc) (list *north* *east* *south* *west*))
(bnd* ((nr (+ r dr)) (nc (+ c dc))
(ntr tr) (ntc tc))
(cond ((< nr 0) (setf nr (+ nr rows)
ntr (- ntr 1)))
((>= nr rows) (setf nr (- nr rows)
ntr (+ ntr 1)))
((< nc 0) (setf nc (+ nc cols)
ntc (- ntc 1)))
((>= nc cols) (setf nc (- nc cols)
ntc (+ ntc 1))))
(enqueue (list nr nc ntr ntc (1+ step)) q)))))))
#+#:excluded (time (distances 0))

(defun reachable? (step &optional (max-steps 26501365))
(evenp (- max-steps step)))

#+#:excluded (defun more-experiments (max-steps &optional (input (parse-map)))
(bnd1 (ff (flood-fill 500 input)) ; TODO arbitrary number
(destructuring-bind (map start rows cols) input
(dohash (pos ch map)
(when (and (char/= ch #\#)
; 4 108 is surrounded by walls...
(gethash pos ff))
(bnd* ((start-to-pos (- (gethash pos ff) (gethash start ff))))
(bnd* ((start-to-north (- (gethash (move-straight pos *north* rows) ff)
(gethash start ff)))
(pos-to-north (- (gethash (move-straight pos *north* (* 2 rows)) ff)
(gethash (move-straight pos *north* rows) ff)))
(start-to-east (- (gethash (move-straight pos *east* cols) ff)
(gethash start ff)))
(pos-to-east (- (gethash (move-straight pos *east* (* 2 cols)) ff)
(gethash (move-straight pos *east* cols) ff)))
(start-to-south (- (gethash (move-straight pos *south* rows) ff)
(gethash start ff)))
(pos-to-south (- (gethash (move-straight pos *south* (* 2 rows)) ff)
(gethash (move-straight pos *south* rows) ff)))
(start-to-west (- (gethash (move-straight pos *west* cols) ff)
(gethash start ff)))
(pos-to-west (- (gethash (move-straight pos *west* (* 2 cols)) ff)
(gethash (move-straight pos *west* cols) ff))))
;; middle tile
(count! (reachable? start-to-pos max-steps))
; (break)

;; go up
(bnd* ((step start-to-north)
(tiles 0))
(while (< step max-steps)
(incf tiles)
(count! (reachable? step max-steps))
(incf step pos-to-north)
#+#:excluded (break)
(pr 'up start-to-pos pos-to-north tiles)
#+#:excluded (break)

;; TODO diagonal

;; go right
(bnd* ((step start-to-east)
(tiles 0))
(while (< step max-steps)
(incf tiles)
(count! (reachable? step max-steps))
(incf step pos-to-east)
#+#:excluded (break))
(pr 'right start-to-pos pos-to-east tiles)

;; TODO diagonal

;; go down
(bnd* ((step start-to-south)
(tiles 0))
(while (< step max-steps)
(incf tiles)
(count! (reachable? step max-steps))
(incf step pos-to-south)
(pr 'down start-to-pos pos-to-south tiles)

;; TOOD diagonal

;; go left
(bnd* ((step start-to-west)
(tiles 0))
(while (< step max-steps)
(incf tiles)
(count! (reachable? step max-steps))
(incf step pos-to-west)
#+#:excluded (break))
(pr 'left start-to-pos pos-to-west tiles)
#+#:excluded (break)

(defmacro memoizing ((ht &rest key-parts) &body body)
(with-gensyms (memo key)
`(let ((,memo ,ht)
(,key (list ,@key-parts)))
(multiple-value-bind (res res?) (gethash ,key ,memo)
(if res?
(setf (gethash ,key ,memo)
(block memo

(defun part2 (max-steps &optional (input (parse-map)))
(destructuring-bind (rows cols) (cddr input)
(assert (= rows cols))
(bnd* ((size rows)
(memo (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(labels ((edge-tile? (tr tc) (xor (= (abs tr) 3) (= (abs tc) 3)))
(corner-tile? (tr tc) (and (= (abs tr) 3) (= (abs tc) 3)))
;; E E
;; E E1234567
;; E E
;; E E
(count-copies-on-straight-line (step)
(memoizing (memo :straight step)
(bnd1 (tiles (ceiling (- max-steps step) size))
(dorangei (x 1 tiles)
(bnd1 (nstep (+ step (* x size)))
(count! (and (<= nstep max-steps)
(reachable? nstep max-steps)))))))))
;; E E
;; E E
;; E E
;; E E
;; E E
;; XYX
;; YX
;; X
(count-copies-on-quadrant (step)
(memoizing (memo :quadrant step)
(bnd1 (tiles (ceiling (- max-steps step) size))
(dorangei (x 1 tiles)
(bnd1 (nstep (+ step (* x size)))
(when (and (<= nstep max-steps)
(reachable? nstep max-steps))
;; E E
;; E E
;; E E
;; E E
;; E E
;; CEEEEEC1234567
;; 1234567
;; 234567
;; 34567
;; 4567
;; 567
;; 67
;; 7
(sum! (1+ x))))))))))
(dohash ((r c tr tc) step (distances 3 input))
(when (reachable? step max-steps)
(sum! 1))
(if (edge-tile? tr tc)
(sum! (count-copies-on-straight-line step))
(if (corner-tile? tr tc)
(sum! (count-copies-on-quadrant step))))))))))
#+#:excluded (time (part2 5000))
#+#:excluded (time (part2 26501365))

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