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Releases: igorseabra4/IndustrialPark

Industrial Park Preview 37.1

30 Apr 03:39
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  • Fixes OBJ exporter bug which caused some exports (mostly from GameCube models) to be invalid

Industrial Park Preview 37

29 Apr 03:01
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  • Model Import/Export functions:
    • Import function available from the Archive Editor to create new MODL assets, and also from Asset Editor for MODL assets to replace existing models. This allows you to select an external OBJ, DAE or DFF file to import over an existing model or as a new model. DFFs will be imported as they are, while OBJ and DAE will be converted to DFF. Model must contain vertex positions, vertex normals and texture coordinates for the import to work. DAE files must have been exported from 3ds max's exporter; OBJs can have been exported from any 3d model editor. This does not work with rigged models and any rigging present in the file will be discarded during the conversion.
    • Export function available from Asset Editor for MODL, JSP and BSP assets. This allows you to export the model as OBJ or DFF. The OBJ export can be imported in any 3d model editor and contains vertex colors. If you don't care about keeping them on import, you can use any 3d model editor and OBJ importer, if you want to keep them, you must use the importvcolorobj MAXScript for 3ds max (it's included in the release, check the Resources folder).
  • Verify Archive function: this function is available from the Archive Editor and will create and display a report that searches the archive for any potential errors, such as invalid data, fields left blank and references to non existing assets. Note that this function's output is not perfect; not everything in the report is necessarily an error, and not all errors which might be present in the archive will necessarily be reported.
  • Some Movie assets (such as PIPT) have references to models and textures by hashing them without the extension (removing the .dff from the MODL name before hashing). The Asset ID type converter is now able to display those references correctly.
  • Update SHRP asset editor with more Movie entry types. They are editable and this also fixes SHRP references in the Find Who Targets Me and Verify Archive functions.
  • Update TEXT asset editor: Reference requests (use by Find Who Targets Me and Verify Archive), not only for TEXT but for all asset types, will find references which are written inside TEXT assets (such as in {insert:assetname} statements).
  • Update DYNA asset editor: add JSP Extra Data type for Movie.
  • Fixes CSNM and ENV asset editors for Movie.
  • Fixes issues with GRUP editor which sometimes made the entire archive invalid after editing the group items.
  • Updates EventSearch utility

Industrial Park Preview 36

17 Apr 22:33
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  • Universal templates: now they should work in all games and platforms, not just GameCube BFBB.
  • Added Movie Game templates: all pickups, enemies, crates, swinger, ring, ring control (persistent shinies option works for manliness points).
  • Organized Asset Template menu: separates BFBB and Movie templates in categories.
  • Removed templates from external files, now all data is generated in the program.
  • Removed Grab Template button from Asset Header Editor.
  • Limit Render Distance option: when active, models will only be rendered when their distance from the view is under the setting in the LODT, or a default value of 100 if unspecified there.
  • Adds support for Movie LODT, PIPT, BOUL and BUTN.
  • Fixed bug in which sometimes IP would not load the last project when opening.

Industrial Park Preview 35

15 Apr 23:29
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  • Finally adds support for Movie Game, Incredibles and ROTU GameCube SNDI editing. You can use the Copy, Paste, Delete and Edit Data functions (with import and export) for the SND and SNDS assets and the SNDI will be updated automatically without need for you to mess with it. Merge HIP will also merge those assets now.
    • Importing new sounds is not supported yet. The Import and Export functions will create files that are only useable on IP's Asset Data Editor.
    • Important note: using any of the functions above will break the cutscene section of the SNDI. This means the game will crash upon trying to play any cutscene in that level. While there is no fix for this yet, you have to disable all cutscene triggers.
  • Export and Import Texture Dictionary functions now have two variants: one for textures which contain .RW3 in the name (used for level and models; also the one you should use for IP to display textures and to import the models in a model editor) and one for textures which don't (used for text, UI and other assets). Only use the import functions with TXDs exported by the corresponding export function.
  • Fixes bug in which Import HIP and Collapse Layers functions would break some Movie HOPs.
  • Merge functions for COLL, JAW, LODT, PIPT, SHDW and SNDI (used when importing HIP) will remove duplicate entries automatically.

Industrial Park Preview 34

03 Apr 19:19
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  • New asset types: GUST, LITE, NPC, PRJT, VOLU (all from Scooby, but who knows they might work in other games), SGRP (from Movie)
  • Support for Scooby asset types: COND, DSTR, ENV, MINF, MVPT, PLYR, TIMR
  • Adds Movie Game layer types to Archive Editor when editing files from that game.
  • Collapse Layers now works on Movie as well.
  • Adds Movie Game DYNA types: BucketOTron, Mindy and Turret
  • Archive Editors and Asset Editors will not be always on top anymore if you minimze the main view.

Industrial Park Preview 33

20 Mar 05:21
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  • New DYNA types for Movie: Effect:Lightning, Enemy:SB:Standard, Enemy:SB:BucketOTron, Enemy:SB:SupplyCrate, game_object:Vent, game_object:VentType
  • Fixes moving and rotation with gizmos for Movie placeable DYNAs (Critter and Ring)
  • Fixes bug in which MVPT siblings could not be edited
  • Adds MVPT, fixes PLAT and removes SHRP for Movie
  • Multiselect for Add Texture Folders
  • Fixes issue in which placing templates sometimes showed an error
  • Help button on Asset Editor boxes: opens the wiki page for the asset
  • Update wiki links for Battlepedia

Industrial Park Preview 32

13 Mar 09:07
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  • Reworked Event Editor: now called Link Editor. Event is the name given to a single "event" (such as EnterPlayer or Enabled), while Link is the name for the entire structure (source event, destination event, target asset and parameters). Argument Asset ID and Source Check Asset ID are now separate from the float parameters, check wiki page on this for info.
  • More information on a few DYNA types (hud:meter:font, hud:meter:unit, hud:model, hud:text) and addition of a few Movie DYNAs (effect:ScreenFade, Enemy:SB:Critter, game_object:Ring, game_object:RingControl and Scene Properties).
  • New asset type: SCRP. Timed Links also use the Link Editor.
  • Add new option to toggle persistency for shiny object templates (on by default).
  • New asset templates: empty DYNA and SCRP.
  • Update field description for SURF and MVPT

Industrial Park Preview 31

17 Feb 23:31
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  • New info on asset data for BOUL, BUTN, CAM, CNTR, CSNM, DSTR, DYNA (BoulderGen, CamTweak, NPCSettings, Teleport), EGEN, ENV, FOG, HANG, MVPT, PARE, PARP, PARS, PEND, PKUP, PORT, SFX, SIMP, SURF, TIMR, TRIG, UI, UIFT and VIL; thanks Seil
  • Adds generic PEND and VIL templates
  • Fixes Arf template

Industrial Park Preview 30

10 Jan 18:14
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  • Apply Scale (experimental): scales all of a level's assets by a factor. Does not work on JSPs yet.
  • Adds DYNA Taskbox (finally! thanks Seil)
  • Fixes CAM's Get Direction function (it previously had roll broken)
  • Other minor edits and additions to the asset editors

Industrial Park Preview 29

14 Dec 08:13
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  • SND/SNDS editor now includes button to import external JAW data (exported by Seil's Audacity plugin) and add it to the SNDI
  • Fields in the Asset Data Editors which are Asset ID, aside from the asset's name or the hex number preceded by 0x, also accept a copied asset (now you can copy an asset and paste it in a field).
  • Import HIP and Collapse Layers functions will automatically sort layers by type in the order the game originally does
  • Bug fixes:
    • Texture names and colors can be edited for all MODL, BSP and JSP assets without breaking them
    • Asset Header Editor doesn't generate asset IDs for BSP and JSP anymore
    • Save As adds extension automatically
    • Asset list will automatically scroll the list as you select assets
    • Asset names with brackets in them don't break the program anymore
    • Fixed movement preview for VILs which caused program to hang in a few cases
    • Fixed two values for ENV assets
    • Fixed click to select for PKUPs
    • Templates for objects such as shiny objects and spatulas are placed above the ground, not into it