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Entry Task and Workflow (2021 2022)

albertsutz edited this page Sep 11, 2021 · 8 revisions

2021/2022 PINUS Tech team


These are the list of essential tools that you need to know, but requirements might change depending on our needs

Software Engineering

  • For the revision control system, we are using Git, for a crash course, you can read this, courtesy of Matthew Ng
  • For pinus-client, you should learn Typescript (Please read the handbook so you know the syntax and the power of TS), Redux Toolkit, React.js, Tailwind CSS, and Next.js
  • For other projects, the stacks would be published later

UI/UX Designer (sorry but for this year, there are no seniors that are experienced in UI/UX)

  • Should be able to work with Figma
  • Tools of your choice such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc for Graphic Design


We will be doing a monthly sprint meeting (date to be determined later) for the entire group and also sharing if there is something interesting and also 1 more weekly sprint meeting for each mini-team (there should be 2-3 subteams, each spearheaded by a Y2)

We will be using a kanban board on GitHub for project management this year to keep track of how each team has been faring

Regarding repo

  1. Please always create a new branch with a descriptive name every time you work on a new feature
  2. Create a pull request to merge into the staging branch
  3. Once in a while, after all the features have been tested, the staging would be merged into main and be deployed for production
  4. For hotfix, branch out from main, and make a PR to main (not staging)

Entry Task

The purpose of the entry task is for you to learn the tech stack, understand the workflow, and be acquainted with it. So please learn and read as much as possible while doing the entry task!

Soft Eng

In this entry task, you will be making a profile page about yourself using the components provided by the current pinus-client repo. The goal of your entry task is to understand how the pinus-client works and what components it currently provides.

Requirement :

  1. Read the documentation about next, react, and typescript! (redux is not necessary here)
  2. Clone the repo into your local machine and understand how the current code works
  3. Create a new section (like about, admissions, etc) called profile
  4. Create your profile page including your profile picture, a way to send an email to you (input box), a description of you
  5. Create a PR, for the Y2, please add Simon / Amadeus as the reviewer, for the Y1, please assign your team seniors as the reviewer

Yes, let's create a friendly environment so we can learn together, esp for Y1


In this entry task, you will be making a wireframe for a page about profile page of yourself and publish it in PINUS Figma


  1. Understand how Figma works
  2. Create a wireframe using Figma about your profile page
  3. Your profile page should include your picture, a paragraph about yourself, and then away (input box) to send an email to contact you
  4. You can add a button and set the behavior of the button such that when the button is clicked, the input box becomes empty (just some mock-up that the data is sent)
  5. You can reference the current style on the current pinus website (or current PINUS Figma, you should ask your tech director for access)
  6. publish them in Pinus Figma

You have 2-3 weeks (ideally 2 weeks to finish the task), please present the deliverables each week during the weekly spring meeting!

Hi everyone, currently this is the temporary page of the wiki before we move to the internal website for PINUS Tech that we are currently doing

Clone this wiki locally