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Philipp Haussleiter edited this page Nov 25, 2015 · 1 revision

Build with Maven


  • JVM >1.5
  • ANT >1.6.5
  • MAVEN >2.10

Checkout the Sources

You can checkout the latest source from:

You need to register with

username: bundle-bee password: bundlebee

There is also a tags URL:

Installation of the necessary Libs

To install missing jars into the local maven repository, use:

ant -f installDependenciesLocally.xml


To build BundleBee with Maven, simply download Maven, install it.

We are currently on the road to glorious version 0.5.2 with some major changes. So there will be no public access to the trunk repository at the moment.
feel free to grab your version from here:

cd bundle-bee/trunk/BundleBee
mvn clean install

The resulting bundles will be deployed to your local Maven repository. At the same time your local OBR repository file (typically ~/.m2/repository/repository.xml) will be updated with URLs pointing to your local Maven repository.
This functionality is provided by the maven-bundle-plugin.

There are some profiles to filter the Build-Results:

  • examples
    Build all BundleBee Examples (Sub-Projects in /Examples)
  • release
    This Profile will Build an assembly, stored in Assembly/target in two flavors: a zip and a tar.gz archive.
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