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Philipp Haussleiter edited this page Nov 25, 2015 · 1 revision


already done

    1.Implement a CLI grid admin, that allows us to push bundles to nodes, look at the grid state etc.
    2.Logging needs to be to a file.
    3.Test the system with multiple machines.
    4.We need the capability to deploy bundles to our local repository ourselves.
    5.Add license.
    6.Set version number (adjust hardcoded version numbers in scripts etc.).
2.Immediately (after OOP-stuff)
    1.Identify weaknesses in the current implementation and specification and specify a concept that allows us to scale to become a Really Big� grid.
    2.Registry code currently has poor error management. Exceptions stacktraces appear when things are actually going well.

left overs

    set default dispatch strategie for demo to sequential
    include pulsar-bundle in startup configuration for Bundle-Bee release, but don't start it
    publish the current Bunde-Bee release under Files 
    provide a landing page on with download feature
    provide whitepaper text on
    provide whitepaper draft in the wiki
    provide documentation for required common firewall settings

    provide another demo bundle - e.g. echo and echoCLI

3.The rest...
    1.Monitor needs to be developed.
    2.Watchdog needs to be better specified and implemented.
    3.Expose node load data through JMX.
    4.Reasonably smart method invocation strategy needs to be implemented.
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