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Juan F edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 3 revisions



Important: Nuntium runs only on unix-based systems.

Set up the database

# mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database nuntium;
mysql> create database nuntium_development;
mysql> create database nuntium_test;
mysql> create user 'nuntium'@'localhost';
mysql> set password for 'nuntium'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('secret');
mysql> grant all on nuntium_test.* to 'nuntium'@'localhost';
mysql> grant all on nuntium_development.* to 'nuntium'@'localhost';
mysql> grant all on nuntium.* to 'nuntium'@'localhost' identified by 'secret';

Configure you Rails to access the database

Modify you config/database.yml to match the settings above

  adapter: mysql
  database: nuntium_development
  username: nuntium
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000
  reconnect: true

  adapter: mysql
  database: nuntium_test
  username: nuntium
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000

  adapter: mysql
  database: nuntium
  username: nuntium
  password: secret
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000
  reconnect: true

Prepare the database

# cd path/to/nuntium
# bundle exec rake db:schema:load
# bundle exec rake db:test:clone
# bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=production
# bundle exec rake db:seed
# bundle exec rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=production

Compile Javascript and CSS

  • Then compile the assets:
cd path/to/nuntium
bundle exec smart_asset

Required libraries

Nuntium depends on:


  1. Follow the
  2. Run the RabbitMQ server
  3. Once you have it installed, run the following command on your Nuntium directory:
sudo rake rabbit:prepare

This will create the RabbitMQ user and vhost specified in the config/amqp.yml file.

Make sure you have RabbitMQ running before running Nuntium. You can restart the RabbitMQ server by issuing this command:

sudo /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server restart


Follow the

Make sure you have Memcached running before running Nuntium:

memcached -d


Follow the

Running in development mode

Nuntium Services

You can use the script in script/ to start the Nuntium services in daemon mode e.g.

# cd <<nuntium_clone_dir>>
# ./script/ cron_daemon_ctl.rb start development
# ./script/ cron_daemon_ctl.rb start development
# ./script/ generic_worker_daemon_ctl.rb start development slow 1
# ./script/ generic_worker_daemon_ctl.rb start development fast 1
# ./script/ managed_processes_daemon_ctl.rb start development
# ./script/ scheduled_jobs_service_daemon_ctl.rb start development

To start the services manually (useful for debugging)

# cd <<nuntium clone dir>>
# bundle exec ruby ./lib/services/cron_daemon.rb
# bundle exec ruby ./lib/services/generic_worker_daemon.rb development slow 1
# bundle exec ruby ./lib/services/generic_worker_daemon.rb development fast 1
# bundle exec ruby ./lib/services/managed_processes_daemon.rb development
# bundle exec rails server

Running in production mode

To avoid problems issues with different versions of Ruby, it's recommended to use

If you do this in your production environment ensure that you uninstall the system installed ruby to avoid conflicts

# sudo apt-get uninstall ruby1.8

You might want to use passenger for the web server and monit for monitoring the services.

Set up passenger

Follow the

  • Put the Virtual Host configuration (instructions given when installing passenger) in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/nuntium.conf e.g.
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName your_elastic_ip_or_dns
  DocumentRoot path/to/nuntium/public
  PassengerSpawnMethod conservative
  <Directory path/to/nuntium/public>
    AllowOverride all
    Options -MultiViews
  • Remember to restart apache sudo apachectl restart
  • Test it out by pointing your browser to your_elastic_ip

RabbitMQ Management Plugin




Installing on EC2


Configuring a VPN connection


Running the tests

If you run the tests and they pass there is a very high chance that Nuntium is correctly installed on your system. ;-)

  • Run the RabbitMQ rake task for test environment:
RAILS_ENV=test rake rabbit:prepare
  • Prepare the database for testing:
rake db:test:prepare
  • Run the tests:
rake test


You get {{{eventmachine not initialized: evma_install_oneshot_timer}}}

That probably means you don't have #RabbitMQ.

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