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Team 5

This project is available on GitHub : ishant4iZard/CSC8508 (

How to build and run the project

Platform : Windows

  • Create a folder titled "Build" in the source directory
  • Open CMake and set the source directory
  • Select the root/Build directory as the destination
  • Delete cache
  • Configure and generate the project

Platform : PS5

  • Open cmd in the current directory
  • Execute Generate.bat
  • Set CSC8503 as the startup project

⚠ Please read the following before building or executing the project

  1. Steam is required to be running to play the game on windows .
  2. On windows the first build usually gives a build error, it has something to do with pdbs but there should not be any errors with the project.
  3. For PS5 : If you make any changes to the projects other than CSC8503 then before building the project please clean it. Otherwise there will be undefined symbols.
  4. For PS5 : Textures(gnf/others) are already provided in the compressed project submission. Building the textures project in VS sometimes deletes textures and this might cause the game to crash.

How to play the game


Key binding Action
Space Score table
i Debug table
Cursor position Move player
Left click Fire projectiles


Key binding Action
Menu : Cross Start
Menu : Circle Quit
Game : Option Pause
Game : R2 trigger Fire projectile
Game : Left stick Rotate
Game : Right stick Move
Pause menu : Cross Round over
Pause menu : Circle Resume
Round over menu : R1 Go to Menu
Triangle Debug table

Brief overview of project features

Physics engine

  • Static trees are used to store non moving object. This tree does not need to be updated every frame
  • Friction was added to the engine
  • The engine has most common collision volumes like : AABBs, Spheres, OBBs and Capsules
  • Physics objects have an elasticity value which influences how objects rebound


  • Physically based rendering(PBR) was added to the project
  • The renderer also has gamma correction as well as tone mapping
  • Skeletal animations are supported
    • Animation syncing between the client and the server was implemented in one of the branches of the project(skeletal animation branch).
    • However when merging said branch issues were encountered, so the feature was not merged into main.
  • GPU Instancing had been added to the project and it reduced the number of draw calls from around 600 to 300 calls
  • Deferred rendering(with PBR) was added to the project but was not merged into main because it would have caused problems in rendering transparent objects
    • It can be tested at the deferred rendering branch
    • It features more than 64 point lights
    • All the point lights are instanced
  • The project supports point light made using spheres and directional lights made using screen quads


  • The AGC renderer in the main branch is the base renderer provided in the starter project
  • PBR was partially added to the renderer and can be tested in the PS5_ToneMapping branch. But due to it making the scene too dark it was not added to the main branch.


  • The goal of the game is simple : Get as many projectiles into the target as possible
  • The following are some of the gameplay elements :
  • Gravity wells/blackholes : These game objects pull projectiles towards their center and if the projectile collides with the center, the projectiles is deactivated.
  • Portals : Teleports projectiles from one teleporter to another
  • Bounce pads : Bounce pads are static cubes with a elasticity value greater than 1, meaning when a projectile collides with them, the projectile gains energy and is rebounded at a speed greater than the collision speed.
  • AI :
    • The AI predicts the position of the projectiles and tries to intercept it. Once the AI is colliding with the projectiles it reduces the projectile's lifespan drastically.
    • The AI uses the A* path finding algorithm to navigate to a projectile only if the nearest projectile to it is not in direct line of sight
    • The navigation grid is dynamically generated at the start of a round by firing rays from the top of the level to the ground.
    • If a ray collides with the ground(i.e an object with the "ground" tag) then the cell corresponding to the ray is movable
  • Powerups :
    • The game features 3 types of powerups
    • The ice powerup reduces the friction experienced by projectiles
    • The wind powerup adds a random directional force to the projectiles
    • The sand powerup increases the friction experienced by projectiles

Multiplayer and match making(only on windows)

  • The game on windows features a multiplayer experience for up to 4 players
  • In a multiplayer game, one player is made the server and the rest are made clients.
  • The physics update takes place only in the server and the clients are responsible for render updates
  • After the physics update the server sends the updated entity transforms to the clients
  • Game states are all synced between the server and the clients
  • Matchmaking :
    • Steam has been used for matchmaking on windows
    • A player can create a lobby
    • Other players can find this lobby and join it all without having to rely on hard coded IP addresses
    • If the owner of the lobby leaves the second member of the lobby becomes the owner
    • The owner of a lobby is always made the server when the game starts

Other miscellaneous features :

  • The game makes use of a multitude of different shaders for rendering elements like portals, blackholes, the center target etc.
  • The UI framework uses ImGui on windows to display elements like buttons and texts.
  • The audio engine uses FMOD to play looping music as well as trigger music.
  • A debug menu is also accessible in the project to view the following information :
    • Frame rate
    • FPS
    • Physics time cost
    • Render time cost
    • Number of collisions
    • Number of game objects
    • Outgoing packets
    • Incoming packets
  • The game is multi-threaded :
    • Threads are pooled so that they are not created and deleted every frame
    • Tasks like physics updates, non physics updates and animation updates are enqueued into a queue of tasks
    • A free thread from the thread pool can pick the first task in the queue and process it.
    • Conditional variable, mutex and unique locks are used for synchronising threads.
    • The game runs at around 1000fps
  • An event system was added to the project to allow multiple components to communicate with each other without having to share state


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