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Known issues and shortcomings

Jakob Mass edited this page Dec 14, 2015 · 5 revisions

Collision detection

The implemented collision model for the table holes causes considerable computation overhead, as mentioned in the collision wiki page.

In order to create space for the more complex hole collision bodies, the main floor collision body consists out of 3 box shapes. An example is shown in the following image, the red lines represent the outlines of the collision bodies. In cases where the ball speed is very slow, one might experience some unwanted behavior when a ball is crossing the borders of two collision body boxes.

collision floor

In general gameplay, this is not very noticeable.

The collision bodies do not cover the entire table area, rather they focus on the floor and hole areas. This means that if a ball was to fly on top of the table edge, it will clip through.

The physics world configuration (gravity, object masses and their contact behaviour (e.g. bounciness) could use further tweaking. When the ball is hit with high strength, the balls will bounce quite a bit which is unrealistic for billiards.

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