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Indrek Ardel edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 2 revisions

The table's dimensions are to WPA regulations.

Key specifications:

  • 9 foot table - 9x4.5ft
  • 2 inch railings
  • 30 inch height
  • 2 inch thick rails are 63.5% the ball's height
  • the mouth of the corner pocket fits exactly 2 balls
  • side pocket mouth is 5 inches

Table model was created in SketchUp Make because the learning curve was shallower than it is for Blender. One could definitely do a better job in Blender with correct know-how, but in general the result in Sketchup is probably more than "good enough". Only thing where sketchup is horrible, is extruding curves - in most cases joining shapes at the connecting points of curves and straight lines fails miserably and requires manual labor to connect the two.

To export the model into Three.js, one way to do it is by installing the exporter for Blender and then exporting the sketchup project to Collada .dae format. Import the .dae file into Blender and then delete/merge datablocks. After that you can export it to Three.js; for everything to be in centimeters, the model has to be scaled up by 100 in each direction.

It is a bit odd working with imperial and metric units at the same time - a calculator for converting between the two is useful, especially when emasuring.

Pocket shapes

Side pockets are a simple 2 inch circle with a mouth of 5 inches (additional 0.5 inches to both sides from the centerpoint).

Corner pockets are essentially two connected circles. Consult the image below.

x is the distance from the corner of the playable area (lower left vertex). One of those corners is the origin of the model.

The origin of the model is a corner of the 9"x4.5" playable area. This means that the balls have to be above 0 to be in the playable area and everything that has fallen through is outside the playable area.

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