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BDD (Behavior Driven Development) 是一種開發方式,從使用者的角度出發,以使用情境和步驟撰寫test case。
Gherkin 是一種以BDD為基礎的"格式規範",使用Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then等keyword來定義test case的步驟。。
Cucumber 是一個實作Gherkin語法的library,它支援多種程式語言(C++, Java, Python...),且每個library的名稱皆異,其中,支援Python的library為Behave。
Install python 3.10.2 and add path in environment variable
Install Chrome
Run cmd in project directory
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install --no-dev
$ behave "{feature file path}" -D company={company} --tags={tags}
$ behave .\features\03_OceanImport\0301_CreateOI_m_basic.feature -D log_level=debug -D company=LOHAN -D monitor=1 --tags=LOHAN --no-logcapture --no-capture --no-skipped
$ behave "{first feature}" "{second feature}" "{third feature}"
--no-logcapture log msg will be printed
--no-capture stdout output will be printed
--no-skipped skipped test case would not show in CLI
-D company instead of 'company' variable in globalparameter.py
-D log_level={level} setting log level (level: debug, info, warning, error)
-D monitor={option} setting monitor (0:no show, 1:main window)
-i, --include feature_name execute specific feature(only execute the feature which match part of the given name)
--tags={tag} execute scenario which contains specific tag
add the option -f allure -o .\allure-results
, then allure result would be generated in 'allure-results' folder (but the CLI information will not show)
if you want to see allure report, use
allure serve .\allure-results
, the allrue result would be transfer to report and show in browser.
more infomation about behave cmd-line arguments? please see https://behave.readthedocs.io/en/stable/behave.html
Install Python 3.10.2
- Install Homebrew
- Install Pyenv
Install VS Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/
Install git, setup
git config
andssh key
: https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/Git/README.html -
Download this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/hardcoretech/gf-qa.git
Setup environment Setup virtual environment and install required packages
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install
(for M1 chip user, run
brew install openblas
andexport OPENBLAS="$(brew --prefix openblas)"
beforehand)more infomation about python venv: https://docs.python.org/zh-tw/3/tutorial/venv.html
Setup pre-commit hook
$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
Use VS Code to open the project folder
Install VS Code Extensions
- list in
- list in
Excute a BDD test case for testing
Choose the python environment in the VS Code to the poetry's virtual environment.
- Open one of
file (you can usefeatures/08_Truck/0801_CreateTKShipment.feature
for test)
, fill in testing serverurl
for SFI -
, click 'Run and Debug' on left tool-bar, and click green arrow to start.
- https://www.qa-knowhow.com/?p=2172
- https://dotblogs.com.tw/hatelove/2013/01/08/learning-tdd-in-30-days-day23-bdd-introduction
- https://hackmd.io/@onejar99/BJ9LkkBNH
- https://www.itread01.com/content/1544337666.html
- https://www.cnblogs.com/dami520/p/3168864.html
- how to use cucumber tags: https://blog.csdn.net/chengly0129/article/details/79235222
(1) examples value can not use ',space'(逗號+空白鍵) to split value, it consider to be two values in different column.
(1) known issues to be solved by RD team, so that we can write more tests (Please see the attached gsheet).