Software project for the Computer Games Contextproject 2015-2016 (TI2806) at Delft University of Technology by group PixelPerfect.
The client application for this software project, which is being developed for the Android platform, is hosted publicly on GitHub as well, and can be found here:
The deliverable documents for group PixelPerfect are included in the docs directory of this repository. For convenience an index of these deliverables is available below.
- Game Concepts (22-04-2016)
- Product Vision (04-05-2016)
- Product Planning (04-05-2016)
- Game Design (04-05-2016)
- NEW! Emergent Architecture Design (03-06-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #1 (22-04-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #1 (29-04-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #2 (29-04-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #2 (06-05-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #3 (06-05-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #3 (13-05-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #4 (13-05-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #4 (20-05-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #5 (20-05-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #5 (27-05-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #6 (27-05-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #6 (03-06-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #7 (03-06-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #7 (10-06-2016)
- Sprint Backlog #8 (10-06-2016)
- Sprint Retrospective #8 (17-06-2016)