Releases: jessetilro/pixelperfect
Patch 1.1.0
Patch 1.1.0 is here. This version will be used for the final presentation and demo sessions.
Release v1.0.0
Release of the first official version. This version is the one that should be evaluated from the Software Engineering perspective.
Client Release (v1.0.0)
Sprint 8 Deliverable Documents
Release v0.7.0
Release of the working version of the server application as a result of Sprint 7.
Client Release (v0.7.0)
Sprint 7 Deliverable Documents
Release v0.6.0
This release includes a multitude of changes, and is seen as the "Beta" state, but not yet content complete.
-Added a new view for the captain, which will be enhanced the coming Sprint.
-Created a multitude of mini-games, which will be completed and finalized during the coming Sprint.
-Created an entirely new GUI for the captain/server player.
-Created a debug GUI that can be activated using "0" and deactivated using "1."
-Refactored and got rid of many classes that were not needed.
-All events now run and are validated by the server.
This release also includes more than a dozen major bug fixes.
Release v0.5.0
Release of the stable working version of the server application as a result of Sprint 5.
Client Release (v0.5.0)
Sprint 5 Deliverable Documents
Release v0.4.0
Release of the stable working version of the server application as a result of Sprint 4.
Client Release (v0.4.0)
Sprint 4 Deliverable Documents
Release v0.3.0
Release of the stable working version of the server application as a result of Sprint 3.
Client Release (v0.3.0)
Sprint 3 Deliverable Documents
Release v0.2.0
Release of the working version as a result of Sprint 2.
Release v0.1.0
Release of the working version as a result of Sprint 1. The game is able to launch, and a small smoke test checks the functionality.