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Jfusion 2.x Plugins eFront Before you begin

jfusion edited this page Mar 27, 2016 · 2 revisions

#Here are step by step instructions to setup a website with Joomla and eFront integration.

  1. There are two different ways you can install efront, depending on the rights youi have on your server.
  • The of your website points to the www directory of eFront. We will call this type A
  • The of your website points to the parent directory of the www directory. We will call this type B. In this case the web URL becomes However, a redirection in the index.php file located in the will redirect the browser to the www directory automatically
  • Contrary to type B with a type A installation all directories under the www directory are not accessable from the net.
  • if you have not done already install eFront now following the installation instructions.
  1. Now install Joomla in a subdirectory of your websites root, lets say /joomla.
  2. Go to;guide . Note that the eFront plugin will not support frameless integration for versions 1.x of JFusion. For now we are going to use the direct link methode. Joomla can run eFront in a wrapper and you can experiment with it, but we are going to get it to work first using the easiest methode to setup.
  3. Go to Joomla admin and install JFusion from , following the documentation step 1, 2 and 3 from the documentation at
  4. Go to eFronts's admin and create an new admin user for api access. Remeber the username and the password. Let's call them apiuser and apikey. As long as JFusions efront plugins has not been configured to use this apiuser and apikey JFusion keeps complaining about an api/key problem.
  5. Now configure the plugin. Read the next section in these docs for more information on this. Please use the wizard the first time you setup the eFrontplugin.
  6. Note: Setting up the cookie domain and path is the tricky stuff, for our simple setup you should leave them empty
  7. Remember you have to save the plugins setup first and start editing it again to be able to set the usergroup parameters. This is because JFusion knows how to access eFronts database only after the first save.
  8. By now jFusion starts complaining about eFront needs to have userregistration disabled because it's a slave. This will stop once we made it a master. If you want to leave eFront the slave, just disable registration in eFront.
  9. USE SIMPLE USERGROUP SYNC! We can go into the advanced mode later. Keeps things simple to get it working.
  11. At the end we are going to have eFront as Master and Joomla as slave, BUT FIRST SET JOOMLA AS MASTER AND EFRONT AS SLAVE! We need this to keep the tests simple and prevent us from Joomla's admin being locked out.
  12. OK, so far so good. Now do the Final checks.
  13. First the loginchecker. Create a new user in Joomla using Joomla's admin panel. Now use this new users credentials with the loginchecker.This will automatically create this user in eFront.If the Loginchecker shows all is OK, create another tab in your browser and open the eFront homepage. You should be logged into eFront. If you use an already existing tab, refresh the page to see that you are logged in.
  14. Test the logout routine in the same way.
  15. If all is correct, Enable Jfusion (follow the doc)
  16. Now, again, create a new Joomla user using Joomla's admin panel. You should get a message that the user is created in efront as well. Great isn't it?. To be absolutely sure go to eFronts admin to see if the new user is really there.
  17. Go to Joomla's admin panel and delete the user you just tested. The user should now being deleted in eFront as will. This test checks if the API setup in eFront and the Efront jFusion plugin matches.
  18. Now go to Joomla's frontend and login using a valid Joomla user. Test if you are logged in. OK? Test logout.
  19. Correct? Make Joomla slave and eFront Master and repeat step 18
  20. All OK? Congratulations you have successfully setup Jfusion with an eFront integration.
  21. You may want to enable jFusions login module and jfusions who-is-online module. The eFront plugin supports these. For documentation see our Wiki.