This repository contains code for Human Robot Interaction Design Project Two, by Patrick Steadman, Tauhidur Rahman, and Moumita Basuroychowdhury.
Adapted, updated, and amended by Chris Mavrogiannis, Jonathan Jalving, and Wil Thomason.
Prerequisites: Baxter robot with baxter tools on ROS Indigo OpenNI v1.5 ( NITE v1.5 ( (this must be installed on an Intel system, AMD systems do not have the proper SSSE3 instruction support) openni_tracker ROS package ( ROS joystick drivers (sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-joystick-drivers)
Each step requires a new terminal window and to be run from ~/ros_ws
First, start the Kinect client software:
cd ~/ros_ws
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
Launch rqt_reconfigure to enable depth registered images:
rosrun rqt_reconfigure
-> driver
depth_registration: X
Open RVIZ to change the fixed frame base:
rosrun rviz rviz
Global Options
-> Fixed Frame: camera_depth_frame
Start the OpenNI user tracker and note the user number tracked (usually 1):
rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker
If a Wii Remote is being used, be sure to pair it and calibrate the gripper:
rosrun baxter_examples
rosrun wiimote
Press A & B buttons on Wiimote to pair
Enable Baxter and begin teleoperation of desired user:
rosrun baxter_tools -e
python --user 1 --rate 10 --mirrored:=true
Often the tracking gets bogged down and Baxter starts making jerky motions. If this happens, kill and rerun the node.
Original code had a tf between camera_depth_frame and torso_1. The version of openni_tracker used here does not have these on the same tf tree. Instead, torso_1 is a child of openni_depth_frame.