I'm Kevin Cruz, Fullstack developer from Carambeí, Brasil, currently living in La Serena, Chile.
- ReactJS - HTML5
- NextJS - CSS
- TypeScript - Git
- JavaScript - JAVA
- NodeJS - Oracle SQL
- C# - MySQL
- 🐱👤 Student and developer front end & back end.
- 🌱 I’m currently studying Software Engineer at the Inacap university, Chile.
- 💬 I’m currently getting better in NodeJS, Typescript, NextJS, english...🤣
- 🚀 I love innovation and new technologies.
- 🤔 I’m looking to make content in Youtube.
- 💡 I Speak in Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and intermediate English.
- 👻 Fun fact: I worked as a fisherman and woodwork.