🖥️ One challenge launched by Rocketseat, which we must create one app, where your main objective is to refactor a page for listing the films according to genre.
🗡️ When you use "Rocketseat TEMPLATE " this src/App.tsx has all the app, you need change it.
🗡️ src/components/SideBar.tsx, this component is empty, must have all function and responsible body for the title of the site and the navigation the left side.
🗡️ src/components/Content.tsx this component is empty, must have all function and responsible body for the header and app content.
This is how App.tsx should look like.
🗡️ The app has only one main functionality, which is the listing of films.
🗡️ In the SideBar it's possible to select which category of films should be listed.
🗡️ The first category of list (It's action) it should already start as marked.
🗡️ The app Header has only the name of the selected category that must change dynamically.
⚔️IMPORTANT!! My challenge is completed, if you want to solve this challenge, use this template: " TEMPLATE "! ⚔️
#Clone the repository
$ git clone [email protected]:KevinMCruzP/reactChallenge02.git
$ git clone https://github.com/KevinMCruzP/reactChallenge02.git
#Install the dependencies
$ npm install
$ yarn
#Run the fake API with JSON server in http://localhost:3333/genres or /movies
$ npm run server
$ yarn server
#Run the app in http://localhost:8080/
$ npm run dev
$ yarn dev
🛠 Tools used in the construction of the project
networking 📩