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replaced nan masking with coord mask + morph opening-closing
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Jordan DeKraker committed Jan 23, 2025
1 parent ccf2b76 commit e7cc356
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Showing 2 changed files with 99 additions and 79 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hippunfold/workflow/rules/native_surf.smk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ rule gen_native_mesh:
threshold=lambda wildcards: surf_thresholds[wildcards.surfname],
decimate_percent=0, # not enabled
morph_openclose_dist=2, # mm
Expand Down
177 changes: 98 additions & 79 deletions hippunfold/workflow/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
import pyvista as pv
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from vtk import vtkNIFTIImageReader
from copy import deepcopy

def write_surface_to_gifti(in_surface, out_surf_gii):

faces = in_surface.faces
faces = faces.reshape((int(faces.shape[0] / 4), 4))[:, 1:4]
points = in_surface.points
def write_surface_to_gifti(points, faces, out_surf_gii):

points_darray = nib.gifti.GiftiDataArray(
data=points, intent="NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET", datatype="NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32"
Expand All @@ -25,66 +21,86 @@ def write_surface_to_gifti(in_surface, out_surf_gii):

def remove_nan_points_faces(vertices, faces):
# Step 1: Identify valid vertices (no NaN values)
nan_mask = np.isnan(vertices).any(axis=1)
valid_vertices = ~nan_mask # True for valid rows
valid_indices = np.where(valid_vertices)[0]
def remove_nan_vertices(vertices, faces):
Removes vertices containing NaNs and updates faces accordingly.
- vertices (np.ndarray): (N, 3) array of vertex positions.
- faces (np.ndarray): (M, 3) array of triangular face indices.
# Step 2: Create a mapping from old to new indices
new_indices_map = -np.ones(
vertices.shape[0], dtype=int
) # Default to -1 for invalid vertices
new_indices_map[valid_indices] = np.arange(len(valid_indices))
- new_vertices (np.ndarray): Filtered (N', 3) array of valid vertex positions.
- new_faces (np.ndarray): Filtered (M', 3) array of updated face indices.
# Identify valid (non-NaN) vertices
valid_mask = ~np.isnan(vertices).any(axis=1)

# Step 3: Update the faces array to remove references to invalid vertices
# Replace old indices with new ones, and remove faces with invalid vertices
new_faces = []
for face in faces:
# Map old indices to new ones
mapped_face = new_indices_map[face]
if np.all(mapped_face >= 0): # Include only faces with all valid vertices
# Create a mapping from old indices to new indices
new_indices = np.full(
vertices.shape[0], -1, dtype=int
) # Default -1 for invalid ones
new_indices[valid_mask] = np.arange(valid_mask.sum()) # Renumber valid vertices

new_faces = np.array(new_faces)
# Filter out faces that reference removed vertices
valid_faces_mask = np.all(
valid_mask[faces], axis=1
) # Keep only faces with valid vertices
new_faces = new_indices[faces[valid_faces_mask]] # Remap face indices

# Step 4: Remove invalid vertices from the array
new_vertices = vertices[valid_vertices]
# Filter vertices
new_vertices = vertices[valid_mask]

return (new_vertices, new_faces)
return new_vertices, new_faces

from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra

def get_adjacent_voxels(mask_a, mask_b):
def compute_geodesic_distances(vertices, faces, source_indices):
Create a mask for voxels where label A is adjacent to label B.
Computes geodesic distances from a set of source vertices to all other vertices on a 3D surface mesh.
- mask_a (np.ndarray): A 3D binary mask for label A.
- mask_b (np.ndarray): A 3D binary mask for label B.
- vertices (np.ndarray): (N, 3) array of vertex positions.
- faces (np.ndarray): (M, 3) array of triangular face indices.
- source_indices (list or np.ndarray): Indices of source vertices.
- np.ndarray: A 3D mask where adjacent voxels for label A and label B are marked as True.
- distances (np.ndarray): (N,) array of geodesic distances from the source vertices.
# Dilate each mask to identify neighboring regions
dilated_a = binary_dilation(mask_a)
dilated_b = binary_dilation(mask_b)
num_vertices = len(vertices)

# Find adjacency: voxels of A touching B and B touching A
adjacency_mask = (dilated_a.astype("bool") & mask_b.astype("bool")) | (
dilated_b.astype("bool") & mask_a.astype("bool")
# Create adjacency matrix
row, col, weight = [], [], []
for f in faces:
for i in range(3):
v1, v2 = f[i], f[(i + 1) % 3] # Pairwise edges in the triangle
dist = np.linalg.norm(vertices[v1] - vertices[v2]) # Euclidean edge length
weight.append(dist) # Ensure symmetry

graph = sp.csr_matrix((weight, (row, col)), shape=(num_vertices, num_vertices))

# Compute geodesic distances using Dijkstra's algorithm
distances = dijkstra(csgraph=graph, directed=False, indices=source_indices)

return adjacency_mask
# If multiple sources, take the minimum distance to any of them
if isinstance(source_indices, (list, np.ndarray)) and len(source_indices) > 1:
distances = np.min(distances, axis=0)

return distances

# Load the coords image
coords_img = nib.load(snakemake.input.coords)
coords = coords_img.get_fdata()

# Load the nan mask
nan_mask_img = nib.load(snakemake.input.nan_mask)
nan_mask = nan_mask_img.get_fdata()
Expand All @@ -111,12 +127,8 @@ def get_adjacent_voxels(mask_a, mask_b):

# update the coords data to add the nans and sink
coords[nan_mask == 1] = np.nan
coords[sink_mask == 1] = 1.1 # since sink being zero creates a false boundary

# we also need to use a nan mask for the voxels where src and sink meet directly
# (since this is another false boundary)..
src_sink_nan_mask = get_adjacent_voxels(sink_mask, src_mask)
coords[src_sink_nan_mask == 1] = np.nan
coords[src_mask == 1] = -0.1
coords[sink_mask == 1] = 1.1

# Add the scalar field
Expand All @@ -130,41 +142,48 @@ def get_adjacent_voxels(mask_a, mask_b):

# the contour function produces the isosurface

surface = tfm_grid.contour([snakemake.params.threshold], method="contour").decimate(
) # fill_holes(snakemake.params.max_hole_size)
# surface = tfm_grid.contour([snakemake.params.threshold],method='contour').fill_holes(snakemake.params.max_hole_size)

# surface = surface.decimate(float(snakemake.params.decimate_percent) / 100.0)

surface = tfm_grid.contour([snakemake.params.threshold], method="contour").decimate(0.9)
# faces from pyvista surface are formatted with number of verts each row
# reshape and remove the first col to get Nx3
faces = surface.faces
faces = faces.reshape((int(faces.shape[0] / 4), 4))[:, 1:4]

points = surface.points
points, faces = remove_nan_vertices(points, faces)

## JD clean - instead of trimming surfaces with a nan mask, we
# keep vertices that overlap with good coord values. We then apply
# some surface-based morphological opening and closing to keep
# vertices along holes in the dg

# this is equivalent to wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping -enclosing
# apply inverse affine to surface to get back to matrix space
V = deepcopy(points)
V[:, :] = V - affine[:3, 3].T
for xyz in range(3):
V[:, xyz] = V[:, xyz] * (1 / affine[xyz, xyz])
V = V.astype(int)
# sample coords
coord_at_V = np.zeros((len(V)))
for i in range(len(V)):
coord_at_V[i] = coords[
V[i, 0], V[i, 1], V[i, 2]
] # really hope there's no x-y switching fuckery here!

# keep vertices that are in a nice coordinate range
good_v = np.where(np.logical_and(coord_at_V < 0.9, coord_at_V > 0.1))[0]

# morphological open
maxdist = compute_geodesic_distances(points, faces, good_v)
bad_v = np.where(maxdist > snakemake.params.morph_openclose_dist)[0]

# morphological close
maxdist = compute_geodesic_distances(points, faces, bad_v)
bad_v = np.where(maxdist < snakemake.params.morph_openclose_dist)[0]

# toss bad vertices
points[bad_v, :] = np.nan
points, faces = remove_nan_vertices(points, faces)

# with nans in background we end up with nan vertices, we can remove
# these to end up with an open contour..
new_points, new_faces = remove_nan_points_faces(points, faces)

# Step 1: Prepare the PolyData
# PyVista expects faces in a flat array with the number of points in each face as the first value
faces_flat = np.hstack(
[[3] + list(face) for face in new_faces]
) # Add '3' for triangular faces

# Create a new PolyData object
polydata = pv.PolyData(new_points, faces_flat)

# Ensure the PolyData is clean (optional)
# polydata.clean(inplace=True) # Removes unused points, degenerate cells, etc.

# Apply decimation (optional)
# polydata.decimate_pro(snakemake.params.decimate_percent / 100.0, inplace=True)

# write to gifti
write_surface_to_gifti(polydata, snakemake.output.surf_gii)
write_surface_to_gifti(points, faces, snakemake.output.surf_gii)

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