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thomcz edited this page Oct 29, 2015 · 9 revisions

The SPLevo Dashboard provides you access to configurations such as the projects to consolidate, parameters of the difference analysis and your preferences for the resulting software productline.

The Dashboard shows you your project progress by showing you all Variation Point Models and also lets you create a snapshot of your current projects state.

If you want to set your project to an earlier state, just click on the "Revert to this version" Button of the VPM Version you wish to restore.

Note: If you return to an earlier state all following VPM Version will be lost.

Consolidation Actions

The SPLevo Dashboard provides you four actions for your consolidation.

Init VPM: By starting this action your product copies will be analyzed for differences between them and a variation point model (VPM) will be opened.
Refine VPM: This Action analyzes the identified variation points (differences) for any relationships between them.
Refactor Copies: The variability refactoring is the process of integrating the changes identified by variation points into the leading projects.
Export SPL: The Export Button will generate an EMF Feature Model and open it as a feature diagram.

Choose Projects to Analyze

On the SPLevo Dashboard, click on the button "Project Selection", or on the tab "source projects" and drag and drop the leading and integration projects to be analyzed in the according widgets.

Note: The drag and drop is only available using the Project Explorer as shown in the screenshot.

Configure the SPL Consolidation Process

You can configure various parameters that have an influence on the software product line consolidation process. This configuration is typically not specific for the project but for the whole company. Therefore, it is called a profile. The SPLevo Dashboard provides a SPL Profile tab to define the profile. The configuration is separated into the following parts:

Quality Goals

This part is still open for future work. In later project stages, you will be able to configure quality goals for the consolidation process. These goals have an influence on various decisions during the consolidation.

Variability Mechanisms

Before the refactoring takes place, the available variability mechanisms have to be configured. By default, no mechanism is selected. You have to activate them manually by moving the mechanism from the left to the right side. Please consolidate the guidelines of your corporation in order to decide which mechanisms shall be activated. You can also prioritize the mechanisms via the buttons on the right side.

After the configuration, the mechanisms are available during the Variability Refactoring and considered by the recommendation mechanisms.

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