- Barcelona
- http://www.nachocossio.com
SimplePBR Public
A Processing library providing physically based rendering and materials
Processing_DepthBuffer Public
Example showing how to use Processing's depth buffer as input for shaders
processing Public
Forked from processing/processingSource code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)
HYPE_Processing Public
Forked from hype/HYPE_ProcessingHYPE for Processing
MathUtilities Public
Forked from zalo/MathUtilitiesA collection of some of the neat math and physics tricks that I've collected over the last few years.
Dendrite Public
Forked from mattatz/DendriteGPU-based dendrite patterns generator with a space colonization algorithm in Unity.
CellularGrowth Public
Forked from mattatz/CellularGrowthGPU-based cellular growth simulation in Unity. 🧠
Unity-Synth-Experiments Public
Forked from pixlpa/Unity-Synth-ExperimentsA set of simple generative synth scripts for Unity written in C# (OnAudioFilterRead)
unity-voxel Public
Forked from mattatz/unity-voxelMesh voxelization for Unity.
unity-volume-rendering Public
Forked from mattatz/unity-volume-renderingVolume rendering by object space raymarching for Unity
unity-texture-curve Public
Forked from andydbc/unity-texture-curve✏️ Example showing how to bake an AnimatedCurve into a Texture and use it in a shader.
unity-texture-packer Public
Forked from andydbc/unity-texture-packer🔨 Utility to combine color channels from different textures into a single output.
Guide_To_Projectors_For_Interactive_Installations Public
Forked from laserpilot/Guide_To_Projectors_For_Interactive_InstallationsArticle Repo for a Guide to Projectors
1 UpdatedJun 1, 2018 -
ProcessingTo360andVRLive Public
VR preview of Processing sketch rendering to 360
Pix2Pix-Generative-Cities Public
Forked from DerTarchin/Pix2Pix-Generative-CitiesUsing Pix2Pix to create alien cities
UnityGpuInstancing Public
Forked from kitasenjudesign/UnityGpuInstancingGPU Instancing + Boids + Animation Texture Baker
processing-library-template Public
Forked from processing/processing-library-template-antProcessing Library Template for Eclipse
processing-360-video Public
Forked from tracerstar/processing-360-videoA series of examples showing how to generate 360 videos with processing.
RDSystem Public
Forked from keijiro/RDSystemReaction-diffusion system with CustomRenderTexture.
Klak Public
Forked from keijiro/KlakUtilities for creative coding with Unity
MovimentsGranados Public
Forked from miquelsoler/MovimentsGranadosDesperta Pedrera project by Xavi Bové
ofxGizmo Public
Forked from NickHardeman/ofxGizmoAn Openframeworks addon based on LibGizmo
ofxTimeline Public
Forked from YCAMInterlab/ofxTimelinelightweight timeline tools for openFrameworks