Update code generation section to add CXF #157
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Nov 7, 2024 in 4m 32s
Build Passed
The build passed.
This is a normal build for the issue156_generate_cxf branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build only has a single job.
You can use jobs to test against multiple versions of your runtime or dependencies, or to speed up your build.
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | Python |
Operating System | Linux (Focal) |
Python Version | 3.8 |
Build Configuration
"language": "python",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"python": [
"cache": {
"pip": true
"env": [
"notifications": {
"email": [
"enabled": false
"git": {
"depth": 10
"addons": {
"apt": {
"packages": [
"before_install": [
"chmod +x software/verification/travis/omc",
"docker pull ${DOCKER_REPONAME}/${OMC_VERSION}; cp software/verification/travis/omc $HOME/bin/omc;",
"wget --no-verbose https://github.com/lbl-srg/modelica-json/archive/${MODELICA_JSON_VERSION}.tar.gz; tar xzf ${MODELICA_JSON_VERSION}.tar.gz; rm ${MODELICA_JSON_VERSION}.tar.gz; mv modelica-json-${MODELICA_JSON_VERSION} ${MODELICAJSONPATH}; cd ${MODELICAJSONPATH}; make install-node-packages; make compile; cd -; echo \"Installed modelica-json in ${MODELICAJSONPATH}\";",
"wget --no-verbose https://github.com/lbl-srg/modelica-buildings/archive/refs/tags/v${MODELICA_BUILDINGS_VERSION}.tar.gz; tar xzf modelica-buildings-${MODELICA_BUILDINGS_VERSION}.tar.gz; rm modelica-buildings-${MODELICA_BUILDINGS_VERSION}.tar.gz; mv modelica-buildings-${MODELICA_BUILDINGS_VERSION} ${MODELICAPATH}; cd ${MODELICAPATH}; cd -; echo \"Set up modelica-buildings at ${MODELICAPATH}\";"
"install": [
"pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel",
"pip3 install sphinx==4.3.2 \\ sphinx-bootstrap-theme==0.8.0 \\ sphinxcontrib-bibtex==2.4.1 \\ sphinxcontrib-plantuml==0.22 \\ alabaster==0.7.12 \\ MarkupSafe==1.1.1 \\ Pygments==2.4.2 \\ snowballstemmer==1.9.0 \\ docutils==0.17.1 \\ Babel==2.7.0 \\ requests==2.27.0 \\ Jinja2==2.11.3 \\ latexcodec==1.0.7 \\ pybtex==0.24.0 \\ pybtex-docutils==1.0.1 \\ oset==0.1.3 \\ PyYAML==5.4",
"pip3 install -r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/software/verification/requirements.txt"
"script": [
"(cd specification; make clean html; cd ..)",
"(cd specification; make latex; cd ..)",
"(cd specification; make linkcheck SPHINXOPTS=-W; cd ..)",
"(cd software/verification; make test-verification; cd ../..)"