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2017 03 28 team meeting agenda

Michael Wetter edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 5 revisions

Agenda for team meeting

Participation at this meeting is by invitation only.

Date: March 28, 2017, 10:30 - 12:00 Pacific Time

Location: LBNL, building 90, room 3075.

Slides will be posted at

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  1. Assign remaining use case, lead for functional requirements, UML diagrams, software architecture. DOE deadlines are below. (Michael)

    • Task 1: By Q1 (Dec 31, 16), post first process workflow and functional requirements on By Q3 (Jun 30, 17), post v1.0 specification of CDL on
    • Task 2.1: By Q2 (Mar 31, 17), post UML diagrams for the software architecture on
    • Task 2.2: By Q4 (Sep 30, 17), release a version of the control library for secondary systems in Modelica on
  2. Present and review CDL blocks (Jianjun).

  3. Proposal for point list (Milica, Michael). See

  4. Review economizer sequences (Milica, Brent)

  5. Other items


  • Gerry Hamilton
  • Paul Ehrlich
  • Milica Grahovac
  • Dave Blum
  • Phil Haves
  • Jay Santos
  • Brent Eubanks
  • Amy Shen
  • Jianjun Hu
  • Michael Wetter

Mark, Steve and Jon had conflicts.


Use cases

Focus on use cases that affect software architecture. Rather than being comprehensive, be specific as this suffices for understanding and makes it easier to deduce requirements.

Dave from ARUP would need a use-case cut-off date, and then needs about 2 to 3 weeks to make UML diagrams.

Michael to discuss with Amy how to implement use cases so we can further edit it. Suggestion is to use plantuml, and as this is lightweight syntax that renders reasonably well and allows version control. Plantuml is already used for another use case and for the software architecture diagrams.

Paul will check what other uses cases are needed. By April 15, Paul will work with Brent on finalizing the type of use cases, and by end of April, Paul will work with team to have use cases written.

Side-discussion about loop tuning: Loop tuning will be done in the field, but some tuning may be needed for the model to work satisfactory for the purpose of comparing energy of alternating sequences. Will need to address how to do loop tuning for simulation purposes. This is also needed for SOEP.

Side-discussions about github use: Phil asked for suggestions for github clients. Any text editor will work, many people use As a client to get a local copy of the repository, works well on Mac and Windows. See also or

Present and review CDL blocks

Jianjun looked at what is missing in CDL relative to ALC Eikon as one example target. Blocks are posted on web site and ready for review. See For change requests, use If no related issue exists, open a new issue.

CDL has some blocks that are not in Eikon. Some of them may be needed for commissioning.

For vendors, it would be good to identify which are truly atomic blocks, and which ones can be composed out of atomic blocks.

Paul will convene a subgroup of vendors that can provide feedback for CDL.

Michael to identify which ones are truly atomic blocks.

Point list

A first very rough draft of the structure for adding point lists has been made at This will be refined as we need specific information for

  • what is optional and what is mandatory in what stage, and
  • what are permissible values.

This is required in order to formalize the specification. Brent said that much of the information should be left out of CDL as this is not known until late in the project. Michael said we should think about having provisions that allows adding data needed to connect a verification tool that runs the sequences and verification tests. An alternative would be to keep this information in a separate file, but we would need to know how to keep multiple files in sync whenever changes happen. Michael will organize an in-person meeting with Amy, Brent, Jianjun and Milica.

Economizer sequences.

Milica and Brent worked on three sequences from Guideline 36. The sequences are

  • for outdoor air requirements,
  • for high limit cut-off that determines damper limits, and
  • for modulation of economizer damper based on supply air temperature setpoint.

The sequences are described textual, in a week or so we should have an initial software implementation.

Paul said freeze control loop should also be added. (Guideline 36 has freeze lockout rather than regulation.)

Amy said ARUP would really like to contribute sequences to project and also help reviewing. Michael said this would be useful if the sequences are documented and tested.

Other items


Action items

  1. Paul will check what other uses cases are needed. By April 15, Paul will work with Brent on finalizing the type of use cases, and by end of April, Paul will work with team to have use cases written.
  2. Paul to convene a subgroup of control implementors that can provide feedback to CDL.
  3. Michael to identify which CDL blocks are truly atomic blocks.
  4. Michael to organize an in-person meeting with Amy, Brent, Jianjun and Milica to specify point list.