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Dev #22

merged 12 commits into from
Jul 20, 2024
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Generate datatype exhaustiveness facts
Note: This commit does not include proof reconstruction for the
generated datatype exhaustiveness facts, and it also does not support
polymorphic inductive datatypes
JOSHCLUNE committed Jul 5, 2024
commit 2e837117e08e185da252d4dc15bf92b21de0a894
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions Duper/Rules/DatatypeExhaustiveness.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import Duper.RuleM
import Duper.Util.ProofReconstruction

namespace Duper
open ProverM RuleM Lean Meta

initialize Lean.registerTraceClass `duper.rule.datatypeExhaustiveness

/-- Given an expression `∀ x1 : t1, x2 : t2, ... xn : tn, b`, returns `[t1, t2, ..., tn]`. If the given expression is not
a forall expression, then `getForallArgumentTypes` just returns the empty list -/
partial def getForallArgumentTypes (e : Expr) : List Expr :=
match e.consumeMData with
| Expr.forallE _ t b _ => t :: (getForallArgumentTypes b)
| _ => []

/-- Creates the expression `(∃ fields, e = ctor.{lvls} params fields) = True` where `params` are the inductive datatype's parameters
and `fields` are arguments that need to be passed into `ctor` for the resulting expression to have the correct inductive type -/
def makeConstructorEquality (e : Expr) (ctor : ConstructorVal) (lvls : List Level) (params : Array Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
if ctor.numFields = 0 then mkAppM ``Eq #[e, ← mkAppOptM' (mkConst lvls) ( some)]
let ctorBeforeFields ← mkAppOptM' (mkConst lvls) ( some)
let ctorType ← inferType ctorBeforeFields
let ctorArgTypes := getForallArgumentTypes ctorType
withLocalDeclsD ( fun ty => (`_, fun _ => pure ty)).toArray fun ctorArgs => do
let mut res ← mkAppM ``Eq #[e, ← mkAppM' ctorBeforeFields ctorArgs]
for ctorArg in ctorArgs do
res ← mkLambdaFVars #[ctorArg] res
res ← mkAppM ``Exists #[res]
trace[duper.rule.datatypeExhaustiveness] "makeConstructorEquality :: Returning {res} from e {e} and ctor {}"
mkAppM ``Eq #[res, mkConst ``True]

/-- Given an inductive datatype `idt`, with constructors `ctor₁, ctor₂, ... ctorₙ`, generates a fact of the form
`∀ x : idt, x = ctor₁ ∨ x = ctor₂ ∨ ... x = ctorₙ` and adds it to the passive set. For example, if `idt = List Nat`,
then `generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFact` generates `∀ l : List Nat, l = [] ∨ ∃ n : Nat, ∃ l' : List Nat, l = n :: l'`
Note: This code does not currently support polymorphic inductive datatypes, both because the arguments are not presently
collected properly, and because this code assumes that the generated clause has no parameters (which is not necessarily true
when `idt` is universe polymorphic) -/
def generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFact (idt : Expr) : ProverM Unit := do
let some (idtIndVal, lvls) ← matchConstInduct idt.getAppFn' (fun _ => pure none) (fun ival lvls => pure (some (ival, lvls)))
| throwError "generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFact :: {idt} is not an inductive datatype"
let idtArgs := idt.getAppArgs
let constructors ← idtIndVal.ctors.mapM getConstInfoCtor
trace[duper.rule.datatypeExhaustiveness] "Inductive datatype {idt} with args {idtArgs} has constructors { (fun x =>}"
withLocalDeclD `_ idt fun idtFVar => do
match constructors with
| [] => -- `idt` is an inductive datatype with no constructors. This means that there cannot exist any elements of type `idt`
let cExp ← mkForallFVars #[idtFVar] $ mkConst ``False
let paramNames := #[] -- Assuming this is empty temporarily; This assumption does not hold if `idt` is universe polymorphic
let c := Clause.fromForallExpr paramNames cExp
let mkProof := fun _ _ _ _ => Lean.Meta.mkSorry cExp (synthetic := true)
addNewToPassive c {parents := #[], ruleName := "datatypeExhaustiveness (empty inductive datatype)", mkProof := mkProof} maxGoalDistance 0 #[]
| ctor1 :: restConstructors =>
let mut cBody ← makeConstructorEquality idtFVar ctor1 lvls idtArgs
for ctor in restConstructors do
let ctorEquality ← makeConstructorEquality idtFVar ctor lvls idtArgs
cBody ← mkAppM ``Or #[ctorEquality, cBody]
let cExp ← mkForallFVars #[idtFVar] cBody
let paramNames := #[] -- Assuming this is empty temporarily; This assumption does not hold if `idt` is universe polymorphic
let c := Clause.fromForallExpr paramNames cExp
let mkProof := fun _ _ _ _ => Lean.Meta.mkSorry cExp (synthetic := true)
addNewToPassive c {parents := #[], ruleName := "datatypeExhaustiveness", mkProof := mkProof} maxGoalDistance 0 #[]

/-- For each inductive datatype in `inductiveDataTypes`, generates an exhaustiveness lemma
(e.g. `∀ l : List Nat, l = [] ∨ ∃ n : Nat, ∃ l' : List Nat, l = n :: l'`) and adds it to the passive set -/
partial def generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFacts (inductiveDataTypes : List Expr) : ProverM Unit :=
inductiveDataTypes.forM generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFact
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions Duper/Saturate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Duper.Rules.NeHoist
import Duper.Rules.DatatypeDistinctness
import Duper.Rules.DatatypeInjectivity
import Duper.Rules.DatatypeAcyclicity
import Duper.Rules.DatatypeExhaustiveness
-- Higher order rules
import Duper.Rules.ArgumentCongruence
import Duper.Rules.FluidSup
@@ -308,17 +309,18 @@ def clausifyThenSaturate : ProverM Unit := do
setHighesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero;

def saturateNoPreprocessingClausification (generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFacts : Bool) : ProverM Unit := do
def saturateNoPreprocessingClausification (withDatatypeExhaustivenessFacts : Bool) : ProverM Unit := do
Core.withCurrHeartbeats $ do
if generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFacts then
let (symbolPrecMap, highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero, datatypeList) ← buildSymbolPrecMapAndDatatypeList (← getPassiveSet).toList;
setSymbolPrecMap symbolPrecMap;
setHighesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero;
if withDatatypeExhaustivenessFacts then
let (symbolPrecMap, highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero, datatypeList) ← buildSymbolPrecMapAndDatatypeList (← getPassiveSet).toList
generateDatatypeExhaustivenessFacts datatypeList
setSymbolPrecMap symbolPrecMap
setHighesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero
let (symbolPrecMap, highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero) ← buildSymbolPrecMap (← getPassiveSet).toList;
setSymbolPrecMap symbolPrecMap;
setHighesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero;
let (symbolPrecMap, highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero) ← buildSymbolPrecMap (← getPassiveSet).toList
setSymbolPrecMap symbolPrecMap
setHighesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero highesetPrecSymbolHasArityZero

end ProverM