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AI Creation

liopyu edited this page Feb 1, 2025 · 20 revisions

AI Customization Events Overview πŸ€–

The AI customization events in EntityJS allow you to add or remove goals from any existing Mob entity as well as modify any living entity's brain logic.

Key Events πŸ”‘

addGoalSelectors Define criteria for entity behavior prioritization.
addGoals Add specific behaviors for entities to perform.
buildBrain Construct entity decision-making logic.
buildBrainProvider Define entity perception and interaction capabilities.

Add Goal Selectors 🎯

This script allows you to add or remove goals from the "wyrm" entity and define custom goals.

πŸ“œ Server Script:

EntityJSEvents.addGoalSelectors('kubejs:wyrm', e => {
    let Player = Java.loadClass('')
    e.panic(1, 0.5)
    e.meleeAttack(4, 1, true)
    e.leapAtTarget(3, 0.4)
    e.waterAvoidingRandomStroll(5, 0.4, 0.8)
    e.lookAtEntity(6, Player, 8, 0.8, false)
        mob => true,
        mob => true,
        mob => {},
        mob => mob.getNavigation().stop(),
        /** @param {Internal.Mob} mob */ mob => {
            let mobAABB = mob.boundingBox.inflate(5)
            mob.level.getEntitiesWithin(mobAABB).forEach(entity => {
                if (entity == null) return
                if (entity.player && entity.distanceToEntity(mob) < 20) {
                    mob.getNavigation().moveTo(entity.block.x, entity.y, entity.z, 1.0);
    let $PanicGoal = Java.loadClass("")
    e.removeGoals(context => {
        const { goal, entity } = context
        return goal.getClass() == $PanicGoal

Add Goals πŸ› οΈ

This script adds new goals and target behaviors to the "wyrm" entity.

πŸ“œ Server Script:

EntityJSEvents.addGoals("kubejs:wyrm", event => {
    let Cow = Java.loadClass('')
    event.hurtByTarget(1, [Cow], true, [Cow])
    event.nearestAttackableTarget(2, Cow, 5, false, false, entity => {
        return entity.age < 500
    const $BreedGoal = Java.loadClass('')
    event.arbitraryTargetGoal(2, entity => new $BreedGoal(entity, 1))
    let $PanicGoal = Java.loadClass("")
    event.removeGoals(context => {
        const { goal, entity } = context
        return goal.getClass() == $PanicGoal

Build Brain 🧠

This script constructs the decision-making logic for the "wyrm" entity, defining its behaviors.

πŸ“œ Server Script:

EntityJSEvents.buildBrain('kubejs:wyrm', event => {
    const activitybehaviors = [
        event.behaviors.animalMakeLove('kubejs:wyrm', 0.2),
        event.behaviors.followTemptation(entity => {
            return 1;
    const idlebehaviors = [
    const corebehaviors = [
    event.addActivity('minecraft:panic', 1, activitybehaviors)
    event.idleActivity(1, idlebehaviors)
    event.coreActivity(1, corebehaviors)

Build Brain Provider 🧩

This script defines the perception and memory logic for the "wyrm" entity by adding memory and sensor modules.

πŸ“œ Server Script:

EntityJSEvents.buildBrainProvider('kubejs:wyrm', event => {