Spellsword is an interactive, multiplayer game that's aimed to enhance our command of the english language. Our philosophy is that through competetive challenges, we can learn new vocabulary at a faster rate.
- To play Spellsword online, visit https://spellsword.vercel.app. There is no installation needed to play, although we recommend running Spellsword on a machine with at least 8GB of RAM and a reliable internet connection to avoid disconnects.
- Native desktop application coming soon!
Our server uses the following:
- Prisma as the ORM
- PostgreSQL as the database
- Nest.js as the backend server framework
- Socket.io as the Websocket transport layer
Our client uses:
- Vue.js, paired with Nuxt to provide better reactivity between data and HTML state
- Three.js for 3D rendering of our book in landing page
- Socket.io to communicate with the backend
- Axios for communicating with the REST API
- Tauri to package the app into a desktop executable
- Vercel for deployments
- All of our images are AI generated by Midjourney. According to their terms of usage, any images generated under the plan we are currently using are considered in ownership by us. Therefore, we have the ability to use them in our product. Special thanks to the Midjourney team for developing a wonderful AI model and support behind it.
- To see a complete list of packages/libraries/frameworks use, see package.json
- All sounds used are from mitkit and follow the terms of use according to their license