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okay edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 1 revision

Dataset Settings

dataset settings

Configure per dataset settings by clicking "Dataset settings" from the query view. (It's located in the left hand panel, towards the bottom)


Description of the dataset - will show up in various places in the UI to the users of this dataset.

Time Column

Every query makes use of the time column to filter the start and end times of the data. Set the time column here.

RSS Feed

In time series, the RSS Feed will display on the chart

Column Formatters

Column formatters are used for custom display of values of a column. The column formatter is a small javascript snippet that fits the inside of the following function:

# notice that the field value is available by either the column name, or as 'value'
# in the below examples, we'll be using 'value' 
formatValue(value, <column_name>) {


Some simple examples of working formatters:

# divide this column value by 1000
return parseInt(value / 1000, 10);
# display the column as a timestamp
return new Date(value).toString();

# change value into a link
return $("<a />").attr("href", "my_url/?s="+value).html(value)
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