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The lefthand sidebar in snorkel contains the controls for creating and displaying queries. Since All of Snorkel's views use queries that are of the form: SELECT <aggregations> FROM <dataset> GROUP BY <groupings> WHERE <filters>, snorkel is able to present a consistent interface for building and iterating on this base query.

NOTE: In general, string columns are presented as groupable and integer columns are aggregable, but integers can be made groupable in the Dataset settings


Start & End

The start and end controls specify the date range of the data to look out. These fields are required for all queries.


Against is used for comparing the current query against itself by that amount.

Example: if start is -1 day and end is now and Against is -1 day, two queries will be made and displayed by the view:

the original query(-1 day to Now) and the comparison query (-2 days to -1 day)

Group By

This control lets you specify multiple fields to Group By. Usually, only string columns are groupable, but integer columns can be set to Groupable in the Dataset Settings


This control specifies how many values to return and display


This controls specifies which aggregation to use: avg, sum or count. Some backends support more metrics, such as percentiles or count distinct


This control specifies which field to calculate the metric over. If no field is specified, the count will be calculated for each group by row. Some times, views let you specify multiple values, other times only one value is allowed


Filters can be added to any view to further understand what is going on. String columns can have regexes run against them, using the ~= and != operator, while integer columns support the ==, !=, > and < operators.

Comparison Filters

While Filters let you dissect a broad query into its smaller subcomponents and drill down into details, comparison filters let you create two queries with two separate filters and display them against each other.

Comparison Filters & Against

When comparison filters and the against field are both specified, the resulting comparison query will be both offset by the time amount specified in against and contain the filters specified in the comparison filters.

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