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Code for "Evolution and learning in differentiable robots", Strgar et al, proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems 2024

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ELDiR: Evolution and learning in differentiable robots

Code up your favorite evolutionary algorithm and leverage the power of CUDA-accelerated differentiable simulation for fast policy learning and fitness evaluation in complex robots.


This project was developed out of the paper Evolution and learning in differentiable robots, Strgar et al. See the 2024-RSS-Strgar branch of this repository for code that reproduces experimental results from that paper.


⭐ Project Site & Video: ELDiR

⭐ Citation: If our work is useful to you please cite our paper

⭐ Appearing in:


🐉 🐉 This repository is under active development

Table of contents


Quick start

Visualize results

Accelerating experiments with CUDA

Scaling experiments

Adapting the evolutionary algorithm

Adapting the simulator & learning objective


git clone [email protected]:lstrgar/ELDiR.git; cd ELDiR
conda create --name ELDiR python=3.10.13 --yes
conda activate ELDiR
pip install -r requirements.txt


  • If you intend to make substantial modifications we recommend forking the respository.
  • We find that an isolated conda environment is easy to work with; however, this is not required so long as you have a working pip installation.

Quick start

A simple python invocation will initiate evolution and learning according to the algorithm described in our paper:


Visualize results

After running the program with the defaults you can visualize your results using the visualize-defaults.ipynb notebook. If you discover any exciting robots please share your results! Here is a little skipper we found :)


Accelerating experiments with CUDA

This framework can be used with or without a CUDA-enabled GPU:

use_cuda = False # True

If your machine has more than one GPU you can parallelize across a subset of them by specifying the desired device indices:

device_ids = [0, 3, ...]

Scaling experiments

Subject to your available computing resources you may want to increase or decrease the scale of your experiments. There are several straightforward ways of doing this:

💠 Robot population size. Robots are simulated and trained in parallel. A smaller/larger population size means decreasing/increasing simulator space complexity and, possibly, time complexity.

💠 Number of generations. Time complexity scales directly with the number of generations evolution runs for.

pop_size = 10
n_gens = 50

Adapting the evolutionary algorithm

The codebase distinguishes three evolutionary algorithmic components: genetic representation, mutation, and selection. You can easily swap-in your own algorithm by implementing a small set of functions and overriding the defaults.

Default implementations

By default the framework follows the evolutionary method described in our paper. Briefly, we employ a direct representation of genotypes in terms of a binary grid over which random mutation occurs by flipping bits in the mask. Our selection operator chooses the top 50% of robots based on their learned ability to locomote. The code implementing the defaults is found in the operators/defaults folder.

The interface

Each of the three components and their corresponding interfaces are briefly described below. For more information see the operators folder where will find the,, and files, which specify detailed templates and instructions for for implementing the necessary functions. It may also be helpful to review our [distinction between the fitness function and the learning objective](.

🔶 Genetic representation

To create a custom genetic representation users must implement the following two functions:

def random_geno(n: Int, outdir: Str) -> Str

The function random_geno takes an integer n and string outdir as input, generates a random population of n genotypes, saves the population to a single file in outdir, and returns the file path. Note: our code is agnostic to the data structure and file format used to store the population and related metadata. See the operators/ file for more information.

def geno_2_pheno(pop_fpath: Str) -> None

The function geno_2_pheno takes a string pop_fpath (from random_geno), loads the population, appends a phenotype representation of each robot, and saves the result back to pop_fpath. The phenotype representation must include the dictionary keys points and springs, which represent the vertices and edges of the robot's body. See the operators/ file for more information, specifically that related to the structure of points and springs and suggestions for default values.

🔶 Mutation

To create a custom mutation operator users must implement the following function:

def mutate(pop_fpath: Str, gen_idx: Int, fit: NDArray) -> Str

The function mutate takes a string pop_fpath, the path of the population genotype file (from random_geno), an integer gen_idx, and numpy array fit. gen_idx corresponds to the generation number of the offspring that will be created by calling this function, which may be useful metadata. The array fit is of shape n rows by learning_iters columns and represents the positive performance trajectories of each robot in the population throughout learning. mutate applies a mutation to the population genotypes, writes the offspring population to a file, and returns the file path. See the operators/ file for more information.

🔶 Selection

To create a custom selection operator users must implement the following function:

def select(pop_fpath: Str, pop_fit: NDArray, offspring_fpath: Str, offspring_fit: NDArray, outdir: Str) -> tuple[Str, NDArray]

The select function takes two strings (pop_fpath, offspring_fpath), two numpy arrays (pop_fit, offspring_fit), and a string outdir as inputs. The _fpath strings represent file paths to the current population and offspring population (from mutate). The arrays represent the positive performance trajectories of the two populations throughout learning. outdir is the directory to which select should write results. The select function combines the two populations into the next generation of robots, writes the next generation to a file (in outdir), and returns the file path. The function must also return a numpy array containing the performance trajectories of the new population in row order matching that of robots written to the next generation file. See the operators/ file for more information.

The abbreviated version of below illustrates how the three components work together:

# Implement your own version of the evolutionary algorithm in the operators folder
from operators.defaults.geno_pheno import random_geno, geno_2_pheno
from operators.defaults.mutate import mutate
from import select

# Randomly sample an initial population of robots
pop_fpath = random_geno(pop_size, outdir)

# Evaluate the initial population
pop_fit = simulate_pop(pop_fpath)

# Main evolution loop
for gen in range(n_gen):

    # Create offspring
    offspring_fpath = mutate(pop_fpath, pop_fit)

    # Evaluate the offspring
    offspring_fit = simulate_pop(offspring_fpath)

    # Select the next generation
    pop_fpath, pop_fit = select(pop_fpath, offspring_fpath, pop_fit, offspring_fit)

Adapting the simulator & learning objective

Robots learn inside a differentiable physics simulator built with the Taichi programming language v1.7.1. The simulator is entirely contained inside simulator/ and is invoked from a function calld simulate_pop in simulator/

Why Taichi?

Taichi is a highly performant domain specific language for GPU-accelerated numerical simulation and automatic differentiation. Moreover, it is embedded in Python enabling fast development, and Taichi outperforms Python packages like Numba, PyTorch, and JAX in simulation-based computing and compilation time. One particularly nice feature of Taichi is that it exposes fine-grained mathematical operators over individual elements. In contrast, packages like PyTorch and JAX depend largely on array-based operations. For more information see the Taichi FAQ, Taichi benchmarks repository, and the original DiffTaichi paper.

Robots in the simulator

In the simulator a robot consists of a set of points connected by edges, which together are modeled using a Hookean mass-spring system. Several examples of robots moving in the simulator can be seen in the GIFs at the top and bottom of this page. At every time step a neural controller modulates the rest lengths of springs throughout the robot’s body, which in turn exert forces on endpoint masses. After a predetermined number of time steps the simulator automatically differentiates an objective (loss) function $\mathcal{L}$ with respect to constituent parameters and a gradient-based update is applied to minimize $\mathcal{L}$.

Experimental scale in the simulator

In general, we do not recommend modifying the parameters or structure of the simulator without closely reviewing the Taichi documentation; however the simulator does contain two additional levers for easily modifying experimental scale:

💠 Time steps. Robots are simulated serially through time, and state history must be tracked over each timestep. Fewer/more simulation timesteps results in lesser/greater simlator space and time complexity. Longer simulations can allow learning of more sophisticated behaviors; however, increasing the number of time steps may result in numerical instability in gradient computation. When in doubt, the default value is a good place to start.

💠 Learning iterations. Every learning iteration requires a full forward simulation and backwards pass to compute gradients. Evolutionary time complexity scales directly with the number of iterations. Empirically we have found that after a certain number of learning iterations behavioral improvement plateaus and there are diminishing returns to adding additional steps. Determining the optimal number of learning iterations will likely depend on the complexity of robots in your population, but the default value is a good starting point.

# simulator/
sim_steps = 1000
learning_iters = 35

The learning objective

For clarify of understanding and usage we emphasize that the simulator's differentiable objective (loss) function, $\mathcal{L}$, and the evolutionary (morphological) fitness function are not necessarily identical. In fact, since the learning process minimizes the loss function, any measure of fitness would typically first involve negating loss. In the interface function select (defined above) we allow users to implicitly specify their own evolutionary fitness function in terms of the population’s positive performance trajectories throughout learning, i.e. $−\mathcal{L}$.

By default the simulator's differentiable learning objective measures the horizontal displacement of a robot's center of mass from the beginning to the end of the simulation period. We found that maximizing displacement (by minimizing the negative displacement) results in robots that learn effective locomotion strategies; however, this function can be modified to prompt learning of a variety of alternate tasks (e.g. jumping or running).

In order to modify the learning objective you will need to change the default function (shown below) and found here in the code.

def compute_loss(t: ti.i32):
    for r, i in ti.ndrange(n_robots, max_objects):
        if i < n_objects[r]:
            loss[r] += x[r, t, i][0] - x[r, 0, i][0]
    for r in range(n_robots):
        loss[r] += (-1.0 / n_objects[r]) * loss[r] - loss[r]

We recommend familiarity with Taichi prior to making any substantive changes to the learning objective. To help new users get up to speed and possibly facilitate small modifications below we detail some of the key syntax and semantics of the default compute loss:

The important data structures include x, loss, and n_objects which correspond to robot position state tracking, the final computed loss values for each robot, and the number of points or masses contained in each robot. x is an array of shape (n_robots, sim_steps, max_objects), loss and n_objects are both arrays of shape (n_robots,). The function loops over all the robots being simulated and the corresponding point masses in their bodies using the ti.ndrange syntax and aggregates the displacement of each mass in the robot's corresponding loss slot. Then the loss value for each robot is normalized by the number of masses in the corresponding body and negated since the optimization procedure works through minimzation. Note the unusual usage of the += operator, which results from the Taichi autodiff engine's global data access rules.

Other modifications

If you are interested in making other modifications to the simulator such as those relating to the learning algorithm or neural network architecture we first suggest reviewing the Taichi docs. Relevant topics include: type system, memory layout, kernels and functions, and automatic differentiation in Taichi.

Future work

We are actively soliciting feedback to improve this repository. If you have specific requests or suggestions that would facilitate your use cases please open a GitHub issue.


If our work is useful to you please cite our paper:

title={Evolution and learning in differentiable robots},
author={Strgar, Luke and Matthews, David and Hummer, Tyler and Kriegman, Sam},
booktitle={Robotics: Science and Systems},





Code for "Evolution and learning in differentiable robots", Strgar et al, proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems 2024







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