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API Reference

Lukas Geiter edited this page Jul 15, 2023 · 12 revisions

Public API of the Gettext Extractor library.

Note: For TypeScript users, .d.ts files are included in the package.



Creates a parser for JavaScript, TypeScript and JSX sources.


Name Type Details
extractors array Extractor functions which will be used with this parser. They can also be added to the parser later, by using addExtractor.

Return Value



Creates a parser for HTML sources.


Name Type Details
extractors array Extractor functions which will be used with this parser. They can also be added to the parser later, by using addExtractor.

Return Value



Manually add a message to the extracted messages.


Name Type Details
message object Message data
→ text string Required · Message string
→ textPlural string Plural version of the message string
→ context string Message context · if empty or omitted, the message will be added without a context
→ references string[] Array of file references where the message was extracted from
Usually in the format <filename>:<linenumber>
→ comments string[] Array of comments for this message

Return Value



Gets all extracted messages

Return Value

array · List of message objects, properties are described below

Name Type Details
text string Message string
textPlural string Plural version of the message string
context string Message context
references string[] Array of file references where the message was extracted from
comments string[] Array of comments for this message


Gets all contexts and their messages

Return Value

array · List of context objects, properties are described below

Name Type Details
name string Name of the context
messages array Array of message objects (same properties as for getMessages())


Gets the messages from a context


Name Type Details
context string Required · Context name

Return Value

array · List of message objects (same properties as for getMessages())


Converts the extracted messages to a Gettext template string.


Name Type Details
headers object Dictionary of PO headers to set · by default Content-Type is already set to text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Return Value

string · Message template string

#: src/foo.ts:42
msgid "Foo"
msgstr ""

#. A comment
#: src/bar.ts:157
msgctxt "Different context"
msgid "Foo in a different context"
msgid_plural "Foos in a different context"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

savePotFile(fileName, [headers])

Saves the extracted messages as Gettext template into a file.


Name Type Details
fileName string Required · Path to .pot file
headers object Dictionary of PO headers to set · by default Content-Type is already set to text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Return Value


savePotFileAsync(fileName, [headers])

Saves the extracted messages as Gettext template into a file asynchronously.


Name Type Details
fileName string Required · Path to .pot file
headers object Dictionary of PO headers to set · by default Content-Type is already set to text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Return Value



Gets statistics about the extracted messages.

Return Value

object · Object containing statistics data

Name Type
numberOfParsedFiles number
numberOfParsedFilesWithMessages number
numberOfMessages number
numberOfPluralMessages number
numberOfMessageUsages number
numberOfContexts number


Prints statistics about the extracted messages.

Return Value



All public methods of the parser return the parser instance itself, so it can be used as fluent API:

    .addExtractor(/* extractor function */)


Adds an extractor function to the parser after it has been created.


Name Type Details
extractor function Required · Extractor function to be added to the parser

Return Value


parseString(source, [fileName], [options])

Parses a source code string and extracts messages.


Name Type Details
source string Required · Source code string
fileName string File name used for references (file and line number)
if omitted, no references will be added to the catalog
options object Parse options
→ lineNumberStart number Number of the first line in the source · Default is 1
→ transformSource function Function that takes the source as string and returns a string · Can be useful for custom pre-processing
→ scriptKind enum Language variation details below

Return Value


parseFile(fileName, [options])

Reads and parses a single file and extracts messages.


Name Type Details
fileName string Required · Path to the file to parse
options object Parse options
→ lineNumberStart number Number of the first line in the source · Default is 1
→ transformSource function Function that takes the source as string and returns a string · Can be useful for custom pre-processing
→ scriptKind enum Language variation details below

Return Value


parseFilesGlob(pattern, [globOptions], [options])

Reads and parses all files that match a glob pattern and extracts messages.


Name Type Details
pattern string Required · Glob pattern · see node-glob for details
globOptions object Options for node-glob · details in the node-glob docs
options object Parse options
→ lineNumberStart number Number of the first line in the source · Default is 1
→ transformSource function Function that takes the source as string and returns a string · Can be useful for custom pre-processing
→ scriptKind enum Language variation details below

Return Value




This value specifies whether the source is TypeScript, JSX, etc. By default, the TypeScript parser infers the type from the file extension. Therefore you should only have to provide it if you're using parseString without a file name or if your files have unconventional file extensions.

The enum values can be imported from the typescript package. The available options are:

const ts = require('typescript');

ts.ScriptKind.Unknown; // = 0
ts.ScriptKind.JS; // = 1
ts.ScriptKind.JSX; // = 2
ts.ScriptKind.TS; // = 3
ts.ScriptKind.TSX; // = 4
ts.ScriptKind.External; // = 5


A collection of factories for standard extractor functions

callExpression(calleeName, options)


Name Type Details
calleeName string Required · Name of the function
options object Options to configure the extractor function
→ arguments object Required · See Argument Mapping below
→ comments object See Comment Options below
→ content object See Content Options below
Argument Mapping
Name Type Details
text number Required · Position of the argument containing the message text
textPlural number Position of the argument containing the plural message text
context number Position of the argument containing the message context
Comment Options

If omitted, it will extract all comments on the same line (i.e. sameLineLeading and sameLineTrailing).

Name Type Default Details
sameLineLeading boolean false If set to true, all comments that are on the same line and appear before the expression will get extracted
otherLineLeading boolean false If set to true, all comments that are on previous lines above the expression will get extracted
sameLineTrailing boolean false If set to true, all comments that are on the same line and appear after the expression will get extracted
regex RegExp If provided, comments are only extracted if their text matches this regular expression. If the regex has capturing groups, the first one will be used for extraction of the comment.
Content Options
Name Type Default Details
trimWhiteSpace boolean false If set to true, white space at the very beginning and at the end of the content will get removed
Normally this behaves like .trim(), however if preserveIndentation is true, the indentation of the first content line is kept as well.
preserveIndentation boolean true If set to false, white space at the beginning of the line will get removed
replaceNewLines false or string false If a string is provided all new lines will be replaced with it

Return Value

function · An extractor function that extracts messages from call expressions.



Name Type Details
htmlParser object Required · HtmlParser instance

Return Value

function · An extractor function that runs every string through the provided HtmlParser.


All public methods of the parser return the parser instance itself, so it can be used as fluent API:

    .addExtractor(/* extractor function */)


Adds an extractor function to the parser after it has been created.


Name Type Details
extractor function Required · Extractor function to be added to the parser

Return Value


parseString(source, [fileName], [options])

Parses a source code string and extracts messages.


Name Type Details
source string Required · Source code string
fileName string File name used for references (file and line number)
if omitted, no references will be added to the catalog
options object Parse options
→ lineNumberStart number Number of the first line in the source · Default is 1
→ transformSource function Function that takes the source as string and returns a string · Can be useful for custom pre-processing

Return Value


parseFile(fileName, [options])

Reads and parses a single file and extracts messages.


Name Type Details
fileName string Required · Path to the file to parse
options object Parse options
→ lineNumberStart number Number of the first line in the source · Default is 1
→ transformSource function Function that takes the source as string and returns a string · Can be useful for custom pre-processing

Return Value


parseFilesGlob(pattern, [globOptions], [options])

Reads and parses all files that match a glob pattern and extracts messages.


Name Type Details
pattern string Required · Glob pattern · see node-glob for details
globOptions object Options for node-glob · details in the node-glob docs
options object Parse options
→ lineNumberStart number Number of the first line in the source · Default is 1
→ transformSource function Function that takes the source as string and returns a string · Can be useful for custom pre-processing

Return Value



A collection of factories for standard extractor functions

elementAttribute(selector, textAttribute, [options])


Name Type Details
selector string Required · CSS selector
attributeName string Required · Name of the attribute that contains the message text
options object Options to configure the extractor function
→ attributes object See Attribute Mapping below
→ content object See Content Options below

Return Value

function · An extractor function that extracts content from HTML attributes.

elementContent(selector, [options])


Name Type Details
selector string Required · CSS selector
options object Options to configure the extractor function
→ attributes object See Attribute Mapping below
→ content object See Content Options below

Return Value

function · An extractor function that extracts content from HTML elements.

embeddedJs(selector, jsParser)


Name Type Details
selector string Required · CSS selector
jsParser object Required · JsParser instance

Return Value

function · An extractor function that runs content from HTML elements through the provided JsParser.

embeddedAttributeJs(filter, jsParser)


Name Type Details
filter RegExp or function Required · RegExp to be tested against the attribute name or predicate function which receives the whole attribute node
jsParser object Required · JsParser instance

Return Value

function · An extractor function that runs content from HTML attributes through the provided JsParser.

CSS Selectors

For selecting HTML elements, the extractor function factories use (a subset of) CSS selectors. The following selectors (and any valid combination of them) are supported:

  • Tag foo
  • Id #foo
  • Class .foo
  • Attribute
    • Existence [foo]
    • Exact value [foo=bar]
    • Starting with [foo^=bar]
    • Ending in [foo$=bar]
    • Contains [foo*=bar]

Note: Multiple independent selectors can be delimited by a comma as you can do in CSS.


Attribute Mapping

Name Type Details
textPlural string Name of the attribute containing the plural message text
context string Name of the attribute containing the message context
comment string Name of the attribute containing the comment

Content Options

Name Type Default (content) Default (attributes) Details
trimWhiteSpace boolean true false If set to true, white space at the very beginning and at the end of the content will get removed
Normally this behaves like .trim(), however if preserveIndentation is true, the indentation of the first content line is kept as well.
preserveIndentation boolean false true If set to true, white space at the beginning of the line will not get removed
replaceNewLines false or string false false If a string is provided all new lines will be replaced with it
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