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Lukas Geiter edited this page May 17, 2017 · 1 revision

Let's start with an example of how this library can be used. The details are explained below.

const { GettextExtractor, JsExtractors, HtmlExtractors } = require('gettext-extractor');

let extractor = new GettextExtractor();

        JsExtractors.callExpression('getText', {
            arguments: {
                text: 0,
                context: 1 
        JsExtractors.callExpression('getPlural', {
            arguments: {
                text: 1,
                textPlural: 2,
                context: 3

        HtmlExtractors.elementContent('translate, [translate]')




First of all we have to import this package. Unfortunately ES6 modules aren't supported by Node.js yet, but we can use deconstruction to the two imports we need. Of course doing var lib = require('gettext-extractor'); works as well.

Note: If you use an ES6 transpiler you can of course go for the nicer syntax:

import { GettextExtract, JsExtractors, HtmlExtractors } from 'gettext-extractor';

Extractor Instance

To get started we create a GettextExtractor instance. This object gathers extracted messages and in the end saves them as template for translations. You may create multiple instances, which can be useful if you want to separate your strings into different .pot files.

Note: Extracted strings are called messages in Gettext terminology (sometimes they are incorrectly referred to as translations).

Creating a Parser

Now we create a JavaScript and HTML parser with createJsParser() and createHtmlParser() and pass in an array of extractor functions.

Extractor Functions

Extractor functions are responsible for finding and extracting translatable strings.
They are called for every node in the AST and add strings they find to the message catalog.

If this sounds complicated to you, don't worry! In most cases you don't actually have to write an extractor function yourself. This library includes factories to create extractor functions, but still allow you a lot of control over what they extract.

For more details refer to the JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX and HTML sections.

Parsing Files

All the configuration is done and we can get started with parsing. The method parseFilesGlob let's us pass in a glob pattern and runs all files that match through the parser to extract messages. There are other methods for parsing a single file or just a string as well. All of them are documented in the API Reference.

Saving as Template File

With savePotFile() all extracted messages are written to the specified .pot file in Gettext format. If you'd like to save the file async, you may use savePotFileAsync which returns a promise.

Printing Statistics

And finally, printStats() writes statistics about all extracted messages to the console.
Read more in the Statistics section.