My personal project AioFeed, is a site that combines feeds from different sites such as Twitch, Youtube and Twitter lists into one page. Along with some features I personally thought was missing from Twitch such as filtering out/grouping streams based on current title/game, saving vods in custom lists and show all vods without leaving main page.
- Feeds
- Twitch top streams/clips (all/category)
- Twitch channel page
- Twitch player
- Youtube player
- Custom lists
Individual feeds can be disable.
- Twitch (followed online streams)
- Twitch Vods
- Youtube subscriptions
- Twitter list feed (feed from public lists, not home feed)
- Custom lists
Twitter feed from public Twitter lists, not the home feed. (No Twitter authentication needed)
AioFeed auto refreshes the Twitch live feed every 25sec with notifications. AioFeed also shows most recent vods from specific Twitch channels you have enabled/selected vods for in AioFeed. Auto refreches vods every 3 hours, can be manually refreshed from a button.
- Online followed streams feed
- Vods feed
- Top streams.
- Followed channels list.
- Follow/Unfollow button
- Channel page with Vods and Clips. (+Sort buttons)
- Player to watch live streams, vods(no chat) and clips(no chat).
- Auto refresh streams and their stats incl. viewers, games, title, thumbnail (For when /feed page stays open) (Can be disabled).
- Adjust volume with scroll wheel and mute with scroll click.
- Streams title/game updated notifications for selected channels.
- Seperate Live follows and Vod follows to be able to only fetch vods from selected channels and instead of all.
- Adjustable video/chat size.
- Switch chat sides
- See Uptime for Live stream on both Live video, thumbnails, sidebar and channel page.
- Repacing the "vigenette" effect for the video controlls with only black background/shadow behind buttons/text.
- Live preview of the stream when hovering thumbnails.
- Channel, title, category info in notification.
- Offline notifications for channels with vods enable, links to the latest vod.
- Notification list to see a "log" of live/offline notifications.
- Removing reruns from live feed.
- Show more vods without leaving the main/feed page.
(Notifications require the /feed page to be opened.)
Youtube feed fetches the 10 latest uploaded video from each followed/subscribed channel in the past 7 days. Doesn't auto refresh, can be manually refreshed from a button.
Hovering a video displays an iframe of the video.
(This feed is pretty limited because of quite low quota/request limit.)
User created lists with Twitch vods/videos and YouTube videos.