Releases: mambans/AioFeed
Refactored /feed page layout to grids instead of margins & more.
New feature: Resize reach Twitter feed individually.
New feature: Mark streams are favorites to pin them at the top of the list.
New feature: Added schedule component for Twitch streams, and one Big schedule on feed page to show all upcoming schedules.
Removed Follow button, Twitch endpoint deprecated.
Fixed unnecessary re-renders and mounting of event listeners/hooks.
Fixed/improved "public" routes such as top streams/categories without an Aiofeed/Twitch account.
Change Twitch player to always unmute when chaining volume.
Changed some modals to use React portals to counter overflow/z-index problems.
Added navbar links.
Added route for just twitch chat's.
Refactored Aiofeed API calls to an API interface.
Removed 'Offline' overlay on Player.
Added new themes/background images.
Major dependencies updates and replaces some dependencies with own custom components.
Removed automatic season themes.
Added automated deploys to AWS from Github pushes.
Other performance/UI improvements and bug fixes.
New feature: Change order of feeds in /feed.
New feature: Auto play next video in favorite list.
Added copy list button.
Added filtering out deleted/non working Twitch videos from favorite lists.
Added popup list in Players side list.
Added links with icons for the individual feeds to the navbar.
Added popup list with filtering/add input field for favorite lists.
Changed FavoriteButton to act as a 'remove item from current list' button if the selected video element is in a list.
Changed most images to .webp format (that also works in chrome now).
Fixed incorrect size of Twitch vod hover previews.
Fixed/Improved navigation by arrow and adding videos in popup lists.
Fixed listname param in url disappears when changing looping time.
Fixed all cached Youtube videos showing up in standard Youtube feed.
Fixed missing delete icon from favorite popup list items.
Added custom which replaces to reduce drycode.
Refactored 'scrollToIfNeeded()' to improve smooth scrolling.
Moved CSSTransitions classes into their respective component instead of one global shared css file.
Moved to app level.
Moved shared components to a 'sharedComponents' folder.
Changed some feed settings from browser cookies to one localstorage obj.
Changed CSP img-src to all (*).
Code improvements.
Added loopbar to Twitch videoPlayer to loop Twitch videos/vods.
Added favorite list in VideoPlayer if video exists in a list.
Added new container for channelButtons to better handle their visibility.
Added feature reorder favorite list videos by dragging the video elements.
Changed feedVideoSize buttons to a slider for more control and setting width/margin/font-size instead of transform: scale.
Fixed/improved thumbnail refreshing.
Added filterlist button for showing all filters to Twitch header.
Changed Players 'show navbar' and 'twitch page' buttons into an sliding drawer
Changed placeholder img format from webp to jpg to support Chrome browser.
Removed from Players.
Improved resetting amount of videos to cover 2 rows in feed on window resize.
Removed new Alert in change-log modal.
Removed many 'transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);' to not break stacking (z-index) flow.
Other small improvements/fixes, refactors and cleanups.
Changed closing of channel/game lists to use native input onFocus/onBlur intead of hook or backdrop.
Added loop feature for Twitch vods (start and end time from Url).
Added feature and button to change VideoElements size in feeds.
Added use (storing and fetching) of App access token from backend api when no user access or refresh token is available.
Added feature to hide Twitch big (thumbnails) feed and still show sidebar.
Improved refreshing of live thumbnails.
Changed/switched place of YouTube and Twitch vods feed in /feed page.
Fixed small UI bugs.
Code improvements and cleanups.
Removed Twitter collapse/shrink when footer is visible/ontop of Twitter feed, and increased footer background color opacity.
Fixed when multiple components need to authenticate/validate simultaneously with the same service.
Fixed "amount of videos to show in feeds" not recalculating when resizing window.
Changed lodash default imports to {components} imports.
Added scrolling to newly created favorites list.
Updated npm dependencies.
v7.0.0 (new logo, "favorites" page, individual feed pages)
Added new page "/favorites" for saving Twitch/Youtube videos in user created lists.
Added save/favorite button on Twitch/Youtube video elements to save video to selected/new list.
Added support for multiple Twitter lists.
Added saving of all feeds preferences from navigation sidebar.
Added english login name alongside foreign user names in video-player.
Added channel name in browser tab for Youtube videos.
Added preference to "force" refresh Twitch live thumbnails.
Added a page for each feed to only display its own individual feed regardless of preferences (ex: "/live", "/youtube", etc...) for quick access.
Added a new "Coffee" theme.
Restyled Twitch channel pages banner and live indicator.
Refactored video-player by extracting code related to vods/videos to its own separate component.
Changed feeds headers style and added scroll into view on click and link to its individual page.
Changed route/page "/channel" to "/page".
Changed AioFeeds logo/favicon and homepage appearance.
Removed loading-spinner for Twitch video previews.
Removed "AF | " text from browser tabs.
Improved performance, stability and visuals.
Fixed video-player second navbar fetching of latest vod not working properly.
Fixed notifications list not working.
Fixed Twitch videos 'time' param in url disappearing.
Fixed muting of stream when click buttons/links with scroll wheel.
Fixed Twitch video elements dates wrapping to two rows.
Fixed logo links width in navbar to prevent accidental clicks.
Fixed not saving Twitch profile image when connecting to Twitch.
Fixed occasional preview and link not working (mostly non-english channels).
Added fetching of users (english)login name and changed most Twitch to prefer the login name for links and show login name if it differs from user/display name.
Changed Navbar to two expanding navbars on each side, added channel & game/category searchbar in Navbar (actually searching, not just filtering current list.), removed link "Top streams" and dropdown menu.
Added infinity scrolling to both game and channel list, including when searching.
Added locking scrolling to the open popup/modal.
Added a button to refresh only the Twitch video player.
Added a Twitch "Connect" on players/channel page if user is not connected with Twitch.
In Twitch channel list added an indicator for LVE streams, dynamic links, popup on hover if LIVE.
Changed streams viewcount to animate changes.
Changed saving of chat positions to individual streams instead of shared global position.
Changed routes "category/" and "/channel" to save the sort options in the URL.
Changed Twitch sidebar "on hover" popup to the same as channel list LIVE popup.
Simplified Home/index by removing auto hiding navbar after a delay.
Fixed lists to not re-render (render twice) during loading.
Disabled saving Twitch profiles to localstorage for route "/category" and for game/channel lists search results.
Changed PlayerNavbar by remove "back" button, fixed "last vod" button and position it between the new two expanding navbars.
Fixed not fetching of profile images if channel count is above 100 and dont cache placeholder image to localstorage.
Fixed Youtube unfollow button not working with expired token(not auto reauthenticating).
Fixed error when fetching details for more than 50 YouTube videos.
Fixed error when trying to load a Banned stream's channel page.
Changed to comply with Twitch's Embedded Player Updates in 2020".
And more fixed bugs and UI/appearance changes.
-----Code changes-----
Some small file & property renames.
Refactored some components into smaller components/functions.
Moved infinity scrolling related code into its own component.
Moved code related to to its own component.
Moved Context Providers and "message" event lister for .postMessage() to App.js.
Refactored most handling of events listeners to custom "useEventListener()" hook.
Updated some code with "Optional Chaining (ES2020)" checking and some other ES2020 features.
Changed importing of regular Bootstrap to as an npm dependency.
Refactored Twitch unfollow/follow button to new "helix" endpoint.
Added feature for resizing Twitch chat/video by dragging divider line.
Added saving of Twitch video/chat position and size in localstorage.
Added load more "top games" by scrolling.
Fixed missing YouTube followed channels, changed order to alphabetical.
Added background images for themes in Theme selector list.
Other small changes/improvements.
Refactored/improved channel/game search bar to sort better, arrow navigation support, use top result on submit if any result where found.
Refactored to improve performance by reducing the amount of different API and Twitch.player obj requests and timers/intervals.
Refactored all Twitch API requests to API.js object as function properties.
Refactored most animations/transitions using top/left with translate3d instead.
Refactored with a more custom list, and added to login modal.
Added full-screen(f) feature.
Added custom context menu for live stream Players.
Added "show less" (reset) button for YouTube and Twitch vods when they reached the end of the videos, and a small always visible reset button.
Added "early" stream Live notification if stream is opened before it's Live and add the stream to /feed page if it's open.
Added removing of a videos when disabling vods or unfollowing a Youtube channel.
Added a few more animations.
Added delay for refresh() when unfollowing someone so you can unfollow multiple without spamming calling refresh().
Added fade transition for StreamHoverIframe.
Added checking/comparing the client_id and login on Twitch token validation.
Added force re-fetching new Twitch profile images on initial page load.
Increased YouTube's max number of videos fetched for each channel from 7 to 10 and days since upload from 5 to 7 days.
Added storing of monitored channels for "title/game update notifications" in database.
Added Player keybindings for create clip(c) and show stats(s).
Added a new "Neon" (dark blue) theme.
Added Alert for topStreams page when no Twitch-access_token is available but is required.
Added "translate3d(0, 0, 0)" to some elements to possibly improve performance by forcing the use of the GPU.
Small UI/color changes.
Fixed unwanted remounting/unmounting for Twitch vods that's still Live when refreshing vods.
Disable refresh button while loading (prevent spamming).
Changed streams uptime update interval to 1 sec.
Improved width/margin calculations.
Removed custom UI controls (except chat buttons) from offline Player.
Moved all variables and calculation of default amount of "videos to show" to feed/index.
Replaced dependency "uniqid" with "uuid".
Fixed some bugs and improvements, including "not fetching all Twitch followers if they exceed 100", occasional error when fetching vods.