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Code of Conduct

Mohit Rathore edited this page May 1, 2018 · 8 revisions

By committing to this repository, you promise to abide by the below mentioned strict set of rules

Coding Style

  • Since the name of our library is long. It is recommended to call the desired functions at import. Eg.
    from fromscratchtoml.models import svm
  • Use of direct imports will lead to death penalty.-
    from x import *
  • We are going to use our custom indentation methods. As shown below -
   expected_projection = ch.Tensor([5.2845, 2.8847, 3.8985, 2.4527, 4.2714,
                                    -3.5514, -3.0234, -4.8531, -2.8000, -5.4149])
  • Similar code statements should be separated by a newline.
    P = cvxopt.matrix(gram_matrix_xy.numpy().astype(np.double))
    q = cvxopt.matrix(-ch.ones(self.n).numpy().astype(np.double))

    G1 = cvxopt.spmatrix(-1.0, range(self.n), range(self.n))
    G2 = cvxopt.spmatrix(1, range(self.n), range(self.n))
    G = cvxopt.matrix([[G1, G2]])
  • Line limit is set to 80.
  • Possession or consumption of print statements is strictly prohibited in the repository premises.
  • Use loggers wherever necessary with correct level of logging only
  • In docstrings functions which don't have a named return variable should be _ -
        _ : pts x N-D torch.Tensor
            The multivariate distribution generated from mean and covariance matrix.


  • While implementing a feature request make sure to report your findings and citations at the wiki page like this.
  • Only - informative links to some intuitive blogs or YouTube videos are welcomed.
  • Posting Wikipedia links will lead to death penalty.
  • Every ML implementation should have a notebook associated explaining each block of code pushed. Including the relevant equations and logic. Check this awesome notebook.
  • For using mathematical formulas in markdown, check this.

Commit messages

  • Commit messages should not include the name of file and commits should not be too often.
  • Break the feature into sub-features and commit per sub-feature.
  • Refrain from using the tempting command - git add .
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