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Internal error list

mathcoll edited this page Apr 8, 2024 · 17 revisions

t6 api is handling regular Http Status codes. Additionally, in some cases, t6 can return an internal error code. This file describes the codes with more details.

Please file a bug in case the error returned by Api is not listed.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
2158 404 Not found
2259 500 Internal Error


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
1329 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
1330 409 Bad Request Meta version conflict, the Api payload is providing a meta.revision which differs from the revision in database.
1332 404 Not Found Resource to be deleted was not found.
1340 404 Not Found Resource was found at first and then it suddently become unfound and cannot be updated ; this error should really never happens.
1341 404 Not Found Url parameter to define dashboard to be updated is not set. Url should contains a dashboard_id.
1342 401 Forbidden ?? Provided resource identifier in the url does not belong to the correct user or resource cannot be found.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
2056 405 Method Not Allowed
2057 412 Precondition Failed Retention Policy not valid
2058 404 Not found No datapoint stored yet by that flow and retention policy.
2059 500 Internal Error Something went wrong on the server to find your datapoints.
2060 412 Precondition Failed Something went wrong on the server on processing your datapoint(s).


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
3049 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.
3050 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.
3051 404 Not Found Resource to be deleted was not found.
3052 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
4056 405 Method Not Allowed flow_id is required, and was not provided.
4057 410 Gone Deprecated Api, this endpoint is not implemented anymore.
4058 404 Not found No datapoint stored yet or not enougth data on storage. Some EDA require several measurements, and generate an error if requirement is not met.
4059 412 Precondition Failed Datatype mismatch. Something went wrong on the server to find your datapoints.
4060 500 Internal Error Something went wrong on the server.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
4051 404 Not Found Resource to be deleted was not found.
4052 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.
4053 401 Forbidden ?? Provided resource identifier in the url does not belong to the correct user or resource cannot be found.
4054 412 Precondition Failed
4055 409 Precondition Failed Meta version conflict, the Api payload is providing a meta.revision which differs from the revision in database.
4056 400 Bad Request Permission must be greater than 600!
4057 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
5058 404 Not Found Resource was not found.
5059 401 Unauthorized Provided resource identifier in the url does not belong to the correct user or resource cannot be found.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
14001 409
14056 409
14057 412
14058 412
14059 412
14185 412
14186 412
14187 412
14188 412
14189 412
14190 412
14271 404
14272 401
14273 404
14274 404
14275 404
14276 412
14277 500
14329 429


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
7055 404 Not Found Resources was not found.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
8052 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.
8053 500 Internal Error Error rendering a newsletter.
8054 403 Forbidden User is undefined.
8055 204 No Content Resources was not found.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
9329 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
9271 404 Not Found Resource UI was not found on that Object.
9272 404 Not Found Resource Object was not found or does nos belong to user.
9273 404 Not Found Object is not found on network.
9332 404 Not Found Resource to be edited or deleted was not found.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
10001 500 Bad Request
10002 404 Not Found Resource was not found.
10003 412 Precondition Failed Build is required first


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
11271 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "list" is not valid.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
12001 409 Bad Request
12329 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
12271 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "rule_id" is not valid.
12272 401 Forbidden Resource Rule was not found or does nos belong to user.
12273 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "rule_id" is valid but something goes wrong.
12274 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "rule_id" is valid but something goes wrong.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
13329 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
13055 409 Precondition Failed Meta version conflict, the Api payload is providing a meta.revision which differs from the revision in database.
13271 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "snippet_id" is not valid.
13272 401 Forbidden Resource Rule was not found or does nos belong to user.
13273 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "snippet_id" is valid but something goes wrong.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
14271 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "source_id" is not valid.
14471 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the "root_source_id" is not valid.
14472 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "root_source_id" is valid but couldn'd update source.
14473 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "source_id" is valid but couldn'd update source.
14056 405 Method Not Allowed
14272 401 Forbidden Resource Source was not found or does nos belong to user.
14274 403 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
18051 404 Not Found Resource to be deleted was not found.
18052 401 Forbidden
18056 405 Method Not Allowed
18055 409 Precondition Failed Meta version conflict, the Api payload is providing a meta.revision which differs from the revision in database.
18056 404 Not found
18057 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
18058 404 Not found No datapoint stored yet by that Story.
18059 500 Internal Error Something went wrong on the server to find your datapoints.
18060 412 Precondition Failed


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
15271 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "ui_id" is not valid.
15329 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
15055 409 Precondition Failed Meta version conflict, the Api payload is providing a meta.revision which differs from the revision in database.
15271 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "rule_id" is not valid.
15272 401 Forbidden Resource Rule was not found or does nos belong to user.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
16052 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.
16271 404 Not Found Resource was not found: the provided "unit_id" is not valid.


Internal Error code Https Status Error message Description
1029 307 Temporary Redirect 2FA/OTP requested and the One Time Password has been sent by email.
17050 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.
17051 401 Unauthorized Action is not authorized for your account, Admin only.
17150 403 Forbidden The provided credentials (login+pass) are not correct.
17250 403 Forbidden No user found or no password set yet.
17329 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
17330 429 Too Many Requests Over Quota!
17331 501 Not Implemented Server Error
17350 403 Forbidden The provided credentials (login+pass) are not correct.
17450 403 Forbidden Invalid Refresh Token.
17550 400 Forbidden Required param grant_type and/or username+password needs to be defined.
17850 403 Forbidden Invalid Refresh Token, because it is expired.
17851 403 Forbidden Invalid Refresh Token, because it is expired and user is not valid.