This is the code for the project "Fact-Based Logical Reasoning".
(I've set the environment with the latest versions of following libraries)
- python
- pytorch
- dgl-cu110
- transformers
- tensorboardX
- spacy
followoing datasets were used for this project
- Reclor
- logiQA
following are the hyperparameters that are set:
- model_type roberta
- model_name_or_path $MODEL_NAME
- task_name $TASK_NAME
- do_train
- evaluate_during_training
- do_test
- do_lower_case
- data_dir $RECLOR_DIR
- max_seq_length 384
- per_gpu_eval_batch_size 1
- per_gpu_train_batch_size 1
- gradient_accumulation_steps 24
- learning_rate 5e-06
- num_train_epochs 10.0
- logging_steps 200
- save_steps 200
- adam_betas "(0.9, 0.98)"
- adam_epsilon 1e-6
- no_clip_grad_norm
- warmup_proportion 0.1
- weight_decay 0.01
Run the following code in bash terminal/console:
bash scripts/
Can change the dataset directory in the scripts to run different tasks. For example, to run logiQA, set
RECLOR_DIR = logiQA_data
TASK_NAME = logiqa
The accuracies of the "FOCAL REASONER" model on the dev sets are stored in the "Check_points" folder in drive link(, with test results stored in "test_pred.npy"
Project related program files(running of program) are stored in this folder.
Accuracy/Performance/Analysis graphs & project related screenshots are stored in this folder.
Logs and summaries of various metrics, hyper-parameters, and the outputs from the training runs are stored in th e wandb folder.