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Angelo Geels edited this page Dec 26, 2015 · 4 revisions

Provides functions to create user interfaces. Parameters shown with a value are default values (if you don't supply them).


  • forms:form(style = 'sizable') Create a new form and return its Form handle. Style can be sizable for a resizable form, or fixedsingle for a fixed sized form.
  • forms:webform(url = 'about:blank', callback<string, string> callback = nil) Create a new form with a web view on it and return its WebForm handle. (This function requires the NETWORK permission.)
  • forms:label() Create a new label control and return its Label handle.
  • forms:text() Create a new textbox control and return its Text handle.
  • forms:button() Create a new button control and return its Control handle.
  • forms:combo() Create a new combo control and return its Combo handle.
  • forms:check() Create a new checkbox control and return its Check handle.
  • forms:theme(handle) Apply the application theme to the given Form handle.


This library does not require any permissions.


count = 0

local form = forms:form()
form.text = 'Example form'
form.width = 500
form.height = 300

label = forms:label()
label.left = 6 = 6
label.text = 'Click the button'

local button = forms:button()
button.left = 6 = 60
button.text = 'Click me'
button:addhandler('click', function(sender, e)
  count = count + 1
  label.text = 'You clicked the button ' .. count .. ' times'

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