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Angelo Geels edited this page May 3, 2015 · 2 revisions

Provides access to networking functions.


  • net:openurl(url) Opens the given URL in a browser.
  • net.http:get(url) Performs a GET request on the given URL, returning the result as a string.
  • net.http:post(url, data, contentType) Performs a POST request on the given URL with the given data as its payload, returning the result as a string. contentType defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • net.http:get_async(url, callback<string>) Performs a GET request on the given URL. When the request has finished, it calls the callback method with the result as its parameter.
  • net.http:post_async(url, data, contentType) Performs a POST request on the given URL with the given data as its payload. When the request has finished, it calls the callback method with the result as its parameter. contentType defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  • net.http:urlencode(string) Encodes the given string for inserting into URLs.
  • net.sock:socket_tcp() Creates a TCP socket and returns its handle.
  • net.sock:socket_udp() Creates a UDP socket and returns its handle.
  • net.sock:connect(handle, strHost, iPort) Connects the given socket with the given host and port number.
  • net.sock:bind(handle, strHost, iPort) Binds the given socket to the given host and port number.
  • net.sock:close(handle) Closes the given socket.
  • net.sock:send(handle, strData) Sends a string of data to the given socket.
  • net.sock:sendto(handle, strData, strHost, iPort) Sends a string of data to the given socket, with a destination designated by the given host and port number.
  • net.sock:recv(handle, iMaxSize) Receives N bytes of data from the socket and returns it as a string.
  • net.sock:recvfrom(handle, iMaxSize) Receives N bytes of data from the socket and returns it in a table containing the keys data and endpoint, which are both a string. endpoint could be (for example)
  • net.sock:available(handle) Returns how many bytes are reported to be available for reading by the socket.


This library requires the NETWORK permission.


-- send some text to the API
local data = 'username=' .. net.http:urlencode(username)
data = data .. '&password=' .. net.http:urlencode(password)
data = data .. '&text=' .. net.http:urlencode(text)
net.http:post('', data)

-- get some data asynchronously
net.http:get_async('', function(result)
  print('We got some data: "' .. result .. '"')
-- just as an example, perform a simple http request
local socket = net.sock:socket_tcp()
net.sock:connect(socket, '', 80)
  "GET / HTTP/1.1\n" ..
  "Host:\n" ..
  "Connection: close\n" ..
  "User-Agent: ExampleCode / JustUseNetHttpForHttpRequestsPlease\n\n"
print(net.sock:recv(socket, 50))
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