Releases: nipkownix/re4_tweaks
Ver 1.9.1
Ver 1.9
- Vulkan: Updated DXVK to v2.1 and improved the D3D9 fallback in case of errors.
- Inventory Manager: Apply weapon upgrades to the currently equipped weapon.
- Added "SpeedUpQuitGame": Speeds up the unnecessarily slow screen fade that takes place after you press "Quit" in the game's main menu.
- cfgMenu/F1 Menu: Added a search bar to help users quickly find a specific option.
- Improved LimitMatildaBurst
- Added "HideZoomControlHints": Hide zoom control reminders from the weapon scope and binocular HUDs.
- Added "BalancedChicagoTypewriter": Changes how Leon's Chicago Typewriter works. No longer infinite by default. More info in the cfgMenu/F1 menu.
- Trainer: Improve invincibility (#417)
- Fix compatibility with the censored 1.0.6 version of the game's .exe.
- Trainer/Freecam: Invert Y axis if CFG_AIM_REVERSE flag set.
- Added "FixSilencedHandgunDescription" to fix some item descriptions in the merchant and examine subscreens.
- Trainer/Freecam: Improve camera movement.
- Rewrite FixDisplayMode: Users can now choose their desired refresh rate in the game's own config menu. (Note: FPS is still capped at 60!)
- HUD tweaks: Added "RepositionHUD", "SmallerHUD", and "SmallerActionPrompts".
- Trainer: Added an ID Inspector tool for HUD objects.
- ControllerTweaks: Added "SmoothAnalogTurning".
- Added "DisableAutomaticReload": Disables automatic reload when firing a weapon that's out of ammo.
- Added "SmoothAnalogTurning ": Use analog directional input when moving forwards and backwards, similar to Resident Evil 5's type A/B controls.
Note: This update changed some sections of the .ini structure, so you will notice that some of your existing settings will revert to default.
- Added EnableModExpansion: Enables patches/hooks for expanded modding capabilities, such as allowing enemy speed & scale to be defined when spawning. (See for more info)
- Added CameraImprovements: Provides a small set of camera tweaks (KB/M only)
- MouseTurning: Added new MouseTurning type, enabled by default. The original mode (Type B), is still available in the config menu.
- OverrideCostumes: Workaround crashes due to missing inventory models for some of Ada's costumes. (#309)
- Moved OverrideCostumes to the Trainer tab. (Overrides)
- Added command-line params support. (See for more info)
- EnableGCBlur: Add new blur mode, slightly improved to look better on modern high-definition displays.
- AllowReloadWithoutAiming: Change hook to prevent aiming issues under certain conditions. (#314)
- Added ReplaceFramelimiter: implements new reduced-CPU-usage limiter
- Added DebugDisplay: recreates effect of DBG_SAT_DISP & DBG_EAT_DISP flags
- re4_tweaks UI: Added high-DPI support
- Fixed face morphing (PlSetFace), fixing the bug with face animations not being shown during gameplay
- Added hook to allow the Merchant's item list to skip to top/bottom when going past bounds of the list
- Added re4_tweaks AutoUpdater
- Improved SkipIntroLogos
- Added SkipMenuFades
- Added RestoreGCSoundEffects: Restores certain sound effects that were changed from the original GC release. (currently only changes sound of the knife)
- Fixed melee range firing bug with type III controls
- Added MultithreadFix: Enables fixes for multithreaded DirectX9, giving a slight performance boost
- Added UseVulkanRenderer: Enables the use of the DXVK-based vulkan renderer, which provides better performance on newer hardware
- Added ImproveWater: Improves some of the water effects, fixing the "jelly-like" water that is present in some areas.
- FrameLimiter: Workaround flickering/shaky r117 chandelier
- FixFallingItemsSpeed: Properly fixed treasure falling speed and added a fix for the falling speed of door locks
- Added FixCompartmentsOpeningSpeed: Fixes the speed of opening compartments such as drawers, cabinets, chests, boxes, shelves, etc.
- Added FixMovingGeometrySpeed: Fixes the speed of moving geometry such as: doors, passages, gates, ceilings, etc.
- Added LimitMatildaBurst: Limit the Matilda to one three round burst per trigger pull.
- Added RifleScreenShake: Adds a screen shake effect when firing a rifle.
- Added RestoreDemoVideos: Restores the playback of demo videos that play when the game is idle at the main menu or the "press any key" screen for about 20 seconds. More info in the config menu/.ini file.
- Added SeparateWaysProfessional: Adds a menu to choose between Normal and Professional difficulty modes when starting a new game of Separate Ways.
- Added RestoreAnalogTitleScroll: Restores the ability to manipulate the background scroll of the post-new game title menu with the right analog stick or mouse movement.
- Added AlwaysShowOriginalTitleBackground: After beating the game, force the game to always show the original main menu background image of Leon and Ashley.
- Added ShowGameOutput: Displays the game's original logs/debug output into a console window.
- Added EnableNTSCMode: Unlocks minor difficulty boosts previously exclusive to the NTSC console versions of RE4.
- Added a workaround fix for an item glow issue in Saddler's last cutscene.
Introducing the new (optional) Trainer section in the re4_tweaks config menu! This section allows you to modify various aspects of the game during gameplay, such as:
- Trainer patches: Enable invincibility, weak enemies, infinite ammo, disable enemy targeting, disable collision, free camera, disable enemy spawns, disable bodies from disappearing, allow exiting area without Ashley, and enable the unused DebugTrg function.
- Trainer overrides: Player speed override, game difficulty override, dynamic difficulty level override, enemy HP multiplier, and Ashley presence override.
- Weapon hotkeys: Switch weapons by pressing specific keys without needing to open the inventory first. By default, keys 1-5 are assigned to cycle through weapons in different categories. Alternatively, you can assign a specific weapon to a hotkey by highlighting it in the inventory and pressing the corresponding key.
- Inventory manager: View a list of all items in your inventory and edit certain values, such as stack count and weapon upgrade values. You can also add new items to your inventory by selecting them from a simple list, without needing to set up slots for each item separately. The inventory can also be exported to or imported from an easily editable JSON file.
- Hotkeys: Allows binding specific key presses to trigger certain trainer patches or functions.
- Flag editor: Tweak internal game flags, such as flags for debug features, level progression, and unlockables earned through gameplay.
- Em Manager: View a list of all "cEm" (enemy) instances in the current level and edit certain information about them. The info can also be undocked from the main re4_tweaks UI and made visible during gameplay.
- ESP: Display information about enemies on top of them during gameplay, without requiring you to open separate UI windows. It can be configured to display various pieces of information about the enemy, such as health bars, current AI routine, and other debug info. Can also draw information about all active enemies in range to the side of the screen.
- Area jump: Teleport to different rooms in the game (including certain test/debug levels that were accidentally included)
- Filter tool: Adjust post-processing effects in the game, mainly to help with testing improvements to these filters.
- Globals: Show a separate UI window that lists important internal information about the game, such as the current room number, dynamic difficulty points and level, current game routine, and current HP for both the player and Ashley. (May be useful for mod developers when debugging their mods.)
The original demo videos from the GameCube release of the game, now playable in RE4 UHD if present in the game's folder. To use it, just extract both "demo0_gc.sfd" and "demo1_gc.sfd" to "Steam\steamapps\common\Resident Evil 4\BIO4\movie", and make sure RestoreDemoVideos is enabled.
Note: As of right now, the RE4 HD Project does not provide HD versions of these videos.
Updating from HD Project:
HD Project 1.1 users can update to re4_tweaks 1.8 fine with no issues, simply extract all the contents of the 1.8 release ZIP into your Bin32
(make sure not to delete your existing re4_tweaks
folder however, as that contains HDProject specific data which isn't included in re4_tweaks, simply allow your archiver to merge the new re4_tweaks
folder on top of it & replace any conflicting files)
HD Project 1.0 users should update to HD Project 1.1 first before applying re4_tweaks 1.8.
Many thanks to @emoose and @pas-de-2 for their contributions!
- Improved LAApatch (thanks to @emoose!)
- Fixed a potential issue where the game would incorrectly assume a controller is being used due to stick drifting.
- Fixed SideAlignHUD's scaling algorithm.
Apologies for those who were affected by the misaligned HUD issue before this update. I've been trying to support ultrawide as well as I can while not having a real ultrawide monitor myself.
- Fixed crash when populating keymap on certain locales.
- cfgMenu: Move to CJK font to better support other locales.
- SideAlignHUD: Improve hook, allowing changes to take effect in real time.
- Minor improvements to crash logging.
Small release with an internal feature needed for HD Project version 1.1
- Fixed small issue with saving/loading OverrideCostumes' settings.
Hopefully good to use on HD Project 1.1 :p
- Fixed a possible key binding issue related to AllowReloadWithoutAiming
- Updated EnglishSubtitleData
Ver 1.7.7
- Added FixDitmanGlitch: Option to fix the ditman speedup glitch
- Added AllowMatildaQuickturn: Allows quickturning when wielding Matilda
- Added OverrideLaserColor: Custom RGB laser colors (with bonus "rainbow" option)
- Reworked keyboard input to better support localized keyboards
- cfgMenu: Total rework, using a two items per line design
- EnglishSubtitleData: English & Spanish corrections, thanks to Albert (
- Improved ALT+TAB and mouse cursor behavior. The cursor is now locked inside the window when the game has focus.
- OverrideCostumes: Fixes for Assignment Ada, Separate Ways and The Mercenaries
- Added AllowReloadWithoutAiming: Removes the need to be aiming the weapon before you can reload it
- MouseTurning: Refactoring and minor improvements
- FixUltraWideAspectRatio: Refactoring with new features such as the ability to choose whether or not videos are stretched, the option to align the HUD to the side of the screen, and the option to remove black bars when playing in 16:10