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Merge pull request #12 from njausteve/add-date-style-content-field
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add date style content field
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njausteve authored Sep 21, 2024
2 parents 1e49b75 + a6124cc commit 487f1b9
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Showing 3 changed files with 173 additions and 82 deletions.
102 changes: 65 additions & 37 deletions lib/structs/field_content.ex
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Expand Up @@ -20,12 +20,21 @@ defmodule ExPass.Structs.FieldContent do
- `data_detector_types`: A list of data detectors to apply to the field's value.
These detectors can automatically convert certain types of data into tappable links.
By default, all data detectors are applied. To use no data detectors, specify an empty list.
Supported values are:
* "PKDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber" - Detects phone numbers
* "PKDataDetectorTypeLink" - Detects URLs and web links
* "PKDataDetectorTypeAddress" - Detects physical addresses
* "PKDataDetectorTypeCalendarEvent" - Detects calendar events
- `date_style`: The style of the date to display in the field.
Supported values are:
* "PKDateStyleNone"
* "PKDateStyleShort"
* "PKDateStyleMedium"
* "PKDateStyleLong"
* "PKDateStyleFull"

use TypedStruct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,21 +79,35 @@ defmodule ExPass.Structs.FieldContent do
- "PKDataDetectorTypeCalendarEvent"
These detectors can automatically convert certain types of data into tappable links.
By default, all data detectors are applied. To use no data detectors, specify an empty list.
@type data_detector_types() :: list(String.t()) | []

@typedoc """
The style of the date to display in the field.
Optional. Valid values are:
- "PKDateStyleNone"
- "PKDateStyleShort"
- "PKDateStyleMedium"
- "PKDateStyleLong"
- "PKDateStyleFull"
@type data_detector_types() :: list(String.t())
@type date_style() :: String.t()

typedstruct do
field :attributed_value, attributed_value(), default: nil
field :change_message, String.t(), default: nil
field :currency_code, String.t(), default: nil
field :data_detector_types, data_detector_types(), default: nil
field :date_style, date_style(), default: nil

@doc """
Creates a new FieldContent struct.
This function initializes a new FieldContent struct with the given attributes.
It validates the `attributed_value`, `change_message`, `currency_code`, and `data_detector_types`.
It validates the `attributed_value`, `change_message`, `currency_code`, `data_detector_types`, and `date_style`.
## Parameters
Expand All @@ -101,19 +124,22 @@ defmodule ExPass.Structs.FieldContent do
## Examples
iex>{attributed_value: "Hello, World!"})
%FieldContent{attributed_value: "Hello, World!", change_message: nil, currency_code: nil, data_detector_types: nil}
%FieldContent{attributed_value: "Hello, World!", change_message: nil, currency_code: nil, data_detector_types: nil, date_style: nil}
iex>{attributed_value: 42, data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber"]})
%FieldContent{attributed_value: 42, change_message: nil, currency_code: nil, data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber"]}
iex>{attributed_value: 42, data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber"], date_style: "PKDateStyleShort"})
%FieldContent{attributed_value: 42, change_message: nil, currency_code: nil, data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypePhoneNumber"], date_style: "PKDateStyleShort"}
iex> datetime = DateTime.utc_now()
iex> field_content ={attributed_value: datetime, currency_code: "USD"})
iex> %FieldContent{attributed_value: ^datetime, currency_code: "USD"} = field_content
iex> field_content ={attributed_value: datetime, currency_code: "USD", date_style: "PKDateStyleLong"})
iex> %FieldContent{attributed_value: ^datetime, currency_code: "USD", date_style: "PKDateStyleLong"} = field_content
iex> field_content.change_message
iex>{attributed_value: "<a href=''>Click here</a>", data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypeLink"]})
%FieldContent{attributed_value: "<a href=''>Click here</a>", change_message: nil, currency_code: nil, data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypeLink"]}
iex>{attributed_value: "<a href=''>Click here</a>", data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypeLink"], date_style: "PKDateStyleFull"})
%FieldContent{attributed_value: "<a href=''>Click here</a>", change_message: nil, currency_code: nil, data_detector_types: ["PKDataDetectorTypeLink"], date_style: "PKDateStyleFull"}
iex>{attributed_value: "No detectors", data_detector_types: []})
%FieldContent{attributed_value: "No detectors", change_message: nil, currency_code: nil, data_detector_types: [], date_style: nil}
@spec new(map()) :: %__MODULE__{}
def new(attrs \\ %{}) do
Expand All @@ -124,6 +150,7 @@ defmodule ExPass.Structs.FieldContent do
|> validate(:change_message, &Validators.validate_change_message/1)
|> validate(:currency_code, &Validators.validate_currency_code/1)
|> validate(:data_detector_types, &Validators.validate_data_detector_types/1)
|> validate(:date_style, &Validators.validate_date_style/1)

struct!(__MODULE__, attrs)
Expand All @@ -134,37 +161,38 @@ defmodule ExPass.Structs.FieldContent do

{:error, reason} ->
cond do
key == :attributed_value ->
raise ArgumentError, """
Invalid attributed_value: #{inspect(attrs[key])}
Reason: #{reason}
Supported types are: String (including <a></a> tag), number, DateTime and Date

key == :change_message ->
raise ArgumentError, """
Invalid change_message: #{inspect(attrs[key])}
Reason: #{reason}
The change_message must be a string containing the '%@' placeholder for the new value.

key == :data_detector_types ->
raise ArgumentError, """
Invalid data_detector_types: #{inspect(attrs[key])}
Reason: #{reason}
data_detector_types must be a list of valid detector type strings.

true ->
raise ArgumentError, """
Invalid value for #{key}: #{inspect(attrs[key])}
Reason: #{reason}
error_message = get_error_message(key, attrs[key], reason)
raise ArgumentError, error_message

defp get_error_message(key, value, reason) do
base_message = """
Invalid #{key}: #{inspect(value)}
Reason: #{reason}

additional_info =
case key do
:attributed_value ->
"Supported types are: String (including <a></a> tag), number, DateTime and Date"

:change_message ->
"The change_message must be a string containing the '%@' placeholder for the new value."

:data_detector_types ->
"data_detector_types must be a list of valid detector type strings. Use an empty list to disable all detectors."

:date_style ->
"Supported values are: PKDateStyleNone, PKDateStyleShort, PKDateStyleMedium, PKDateStyleLong, PKDateStyleFull"

_ ->

base_message <> additional_info

defimpl Jason.Encoder do
def encode(field_content, opts) do
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions lib/utils/validators.ex
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,14 @@ defmodule ExPass.Utils.Validators do

@valid_date_styles [

@doc """
Validates the type of the attributed value.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,6 +211,45 @@ defmodule ExPass.Utils.Validators do

def validate_data_detector_types(_), do: {:error, "data_detector_types must be a list"}

@doc """
Validates the date_style field.
The date_style must be a valid date style string.
## Returns
* `:ok` if the value is a valid date style string or nil.
* `{:error, reason}` if the value is not valid, where reason is a string explaining the error.
## Examples
iex> validate_date_style("PKDateStyleShort")
iex> validate_date_style(nil)
iex> validate_date_style("InvalidStyle")
{:error, "Invalid date_style: InvalidStyle. Supported values are: PKDateStyleNone, PKDateStyleShort, PKDateStyleMedium, PKDateStyleLong, PKDateStyleFull"}
iex> validate_date_style(42)
{:error, "date_style must be a string"}
@spec validate_date_style(String.t() | nil) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}
def validate_date_style(nil), do: :ok

def validate_date_style(style) when is_binary(style) do
if style in @valid_date_styles do
"Invalid date_style: #{style}. Supported values are: #{Enum.join(@valid_date_styles, ", ")}"}

def validate_date_style(_), do: {:error, "date_style must be a string"}

defp contains_unsupported_html_tags?(string) do
# Remove all valid anchor tags
string_without_anchors = String.replace(string, ~r{<a\s[^>]*>.*?</a>|<a\s[^>]*/>}, "")
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