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Update 30 06 2021

Rita Oak edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 1 revision

During this past month of June, we have been focused on finishing the dashboard. Our roadmap for the next month is as follows:

  1. Implement layout fixes iteration (currently a WIP, will be finished soon)
  2. Have a working search feature with mock data
  3. Have a working context change feature with mock data

Given the items we have scheduled for the frontend roadmap, we started with quick guidelines for the layout fixes. These will tie up with the more complex implementation side of the app and make a better transition from the old OAE to the new, in addition to facilitating responsiveness. Visually, we also have more choices for customization (and, later on, a dark mode).

After the main layout fixes are fully implemented, the next step is to start on the search mock data and then the context change dropdown.

Main Layout

activity feed(2)


Slice 3

Top Bar

Slice 4

Context change dropdown

Slice 1(2)


Slice 2
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