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hamrt edited this page Feb 22, 2021 · 4 revisions


The current version of OOAPI only supports the first use case of providing web/mobile clients with "current" data from institutions. Some of the workgroup members would like to see additional use cases supported. Examples of these use cases can be found in the image below:

OOAPI data model and interfacing

Not all uses cases can be supported at once. Added to the different use cases the workgroup has been asked to provide write support for some endpoints. Currently the OOAPI only supports GET requests. In the near future POST will also be supported.

A detailed list of current issues and requests can be found in de issues and pull request overview on this GIT repository.

Use Case for additional OOAPI support

Currently institutions for Higher Education face a lot of overhead for developing and supporting different types of data exchanges. In the current AS-IS situation most effort to get data to potential users of the data such as DUO, KOM, eduXchange, etc lies with the institutions. They need to provide a broad set of interfaces AS-IS interfacing in HE

Further development of the OOAPI and providing additional support for other interface types on top of the current data model would alleviate the amount of effort needed by the institutions. A possible future would then look like the image below. TO-BE interfacing in HE