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for the Open Education API specification 1 January 2019, Version: 2
started as an innovation-project by SURF, but as of 2019 the specification is managed by Bureau Edustandaard. This governance model describes the decision-making process and the roles of the various members of the working group, community and Bureau Edustandaard.
The shared goals of a governance model for this Open Education API project are to provide:
- Sustainability: Ensure the sustainability and health of the project and the community;
- Structure: Provide structure in the organisation so that the decision-making process is clear;
- Transparency: Provide transparency to the community on communication about, participation in and decision-making within the project;
- Growth: Provide for a structure that can grow in the shape of new adopters and developers, and that can support the community;
- Development: Support effective development and maintenance of the Open Education API.
This governance model has been drawn up to give the specification a sustainable character. It provides interested parties with an understanding of how the specification will be governed. After all, 'Governance' is the governance instrument that sets the framework and defines how strategic goals, decision structures and procedures to address differences of views operate.
OOAPI The Open Education API. In Dutch we say: Open Onderwijs API, hence the abbreviation OOAPI. This is a standardized API specification, developed by SURF in close collaboration with higher educational institutions and suppliers. Using this API, higher education institutions can make useful information available, such as grades, study credits, schedules and free workstations. Application developers can then integrate this data into new applications.
Working group The OOAPI working group is responsible for annual planning, development, management, promotion, community, communication, adoption and evaluation of the Open Education API specification. This working group consists of members of various institutions, suppliers and SURFnet.
Bureau Edustandaard Bureau Edustandaard, a partnership between SURF and Kennisnet, is responsible for managing and advising on education-specific and research-specific standards. And manages the chain reference architecture ROSA for the entire education domain. The bureau facilitates the Standardisation council, the Architecture council and the Edustandaard working groups. The bureau also maintains contact with other (national and international) standards organisations. The Standardisation council consists of directors of educational institutions, public and private organisations.
Community The OOAPI community consists of parties interested in OOAPI developments. Community members are known by name and email address, and register with the community site themselves.
Slack A Slack channel is available at: openonderwijsapi.slack.com Since access is on an invite base, send an email to [email protected] and you will receive an invitation if you would like to participate on this Open education API slack channel.
Project site The website at https://openonderwijsapi.nl/en/. This website will be used mainly to provide clarification of the project to interested parties. The site also provides access to the reference API, online documentation and the code repository.
Edustandaard.nl and de ROSA-wiki The website edustandaard.nl and de ROSA-wiki promote the OOAPI standard. It informs about the specification, how it is connected to other standards in the context of HORA and ROSA, usage and implementations and documentation.
Code repository The GitHub code repository where the specification for the Open Education API can be found. https://github.com/open-education-api
Specification repository The OOAPI specification and its various versions are maintained in the GitHub specification repository: https://github.com/open-education-api/specification
Mailing list The members of the working group are subscribed to the mailing list, which is intended for members of the working group to communicate with each other. Users can subscribe at: https://list.surfnet.nl/mailman/listinfo/openonderwijsapi
There are a number of participants in the OOAPI project: the community, the working group and Bureau Edustandaard.
The community is formed by individuals, (representatives of) higher education institutions and organisations interested in the OOAPI project. Community members are known by name and email address, and register with the OOAPI community site themselves.
Anyone who uses the OOAPI but is not known by name is an anonymous community member. We do not consider them part of the community. To a greater or lesser extent, community members participate actively in this project. They ask questions, propose potential modifications to the specification, provide feedback and ensure an active community site.
The working group is a subgroup of the community. This working group is, in essence, central to the OOAPI project and is responsible for the roadmap, design and further development of the OOAPI specification. The working group is responsible for the specification in terms of development, management, promotion, community, adoption and evaluation. The development knows an annual cycle of a minor and a major release.
Who can join the working group?
- Participation is not limited to higher education institutions, and is open to anyone who can represent the interests of the OOAPI. Suppliers can therefore also join the working group.
- The ratio between institutions affiliated with SURFnet and organisations not affiliated with SURFnet must be at least 3:1.
List of affiliated institutions.
- A member of the working group may represent up to one higher education institution or organisation.
- The working group may have more than one member from the same institution, but if there are more than 20 members in the working group, the maximum number of members per institution is limited to one. If a member of the working group is unable to attend a meeting, an alternate member may be appointed.
Becoming a member of the working group
- Prospective members can enlist by posting a motivation message on the community site or sending an email to [email protected], with a brief motivation.
- A prospective member may also be nominated by a member of the working group.
- The working group votes on membership of organisation not affiliated with SURFnet.
- Any new member of the working group must have an authorised signatory of the institution or organisation they work for to sign a letter of intent in which they agree to the rights and obligations of the working group member.
Terminating membership of the working group
- A working group member can terminate their membership through the mailing list.
- The working group may terminate the membership of a member who fails to meet their obligations.
- Former working group members can be kept informed of developments, if desired, but lose their voting rights.
Rights and obligations The working group member
- represents their employer, an organisation that promotes the interests of the Open Education API. This organisation has the intention to implement the OOAPI within 2 years;
- actively contributes to developing the Open Education API and promotes its use. He or she must invest at least 60 hours a year to achieve the working group's objectives;
- must visit at least 3 working group meetings a year. Only institutions affiliated with SURFnet and 1 representative for each institution affiliated with SURFnet have voting rights.
The project group consists of SURFnet staff members. Project staff are actively involved with the OOAPI working group as members of the working group. Project staff have a mandate for implementing the project objectives with the associated resources, as set out in an annual activity plan. Governance is provided by the Education Innovation with IT project manager, through the SURFnet project organisation.
Bureau Edustandaard manages the OOAPI specification and is responsible for the process of standardisation and the publication of the specifications including the formal documentation. The working group is in regular contact with Bureau Edustandaard and informs the Standardisation council about major changes. Next to that, Edustandaard informs about updates and changes of OOAPI on the website Edustandaard.nl and secures the connection with other standards in the context of ROSA by means of a ROSA scan.