Geppetto release 0.2.6
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.2.6-alpha:
- Added camera scripting (@felipetavares)
- Fixed loading issues (@adrianq)
- QUnit tests update (@jrmartin)
- Added support for multiple selection (@tarelli)
- Added SWC model interpreter (@tarelli)
- Added setOpacity API (@tarelli)
- Added lines based visualisation (@tarelli)
- Documentation updated (@tarelli, @gidili)
This release doesn't include the SPH bundles which are currently undergoing a refactoring to be integrated with the new experiment based workflows.
Database and user accounts support requires a Geppetto deployment inclusive of org.geppetto.persistence and MySQL database installed, see intructions to set it up.
Running of NEURON simulations requires a deployment with org.geppetto.simulator.external and NEURON installed in the server.
Part of the work in this release was supported by Virtual Fly Brain and Open Source Brain through a grant from the Wellcome Trust and by the OpenWorm Kickstarter campaign.