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Thomas Kragerud Thomas-Kragerud
Cybernetics and Robotics student at NTNU Trondheim

Tongji University Shanghai

Jenius jinyue110
Ph.D. candidate majoring in Computer Architecture

Institute of Computing Technology ( ICT ) Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(UCAS), Beijing

Logesh G logeshg2
Robotics Enthusiast | Computer Vision | Robot AI

Tamil Nadu, India

Pei Liu liupei101
love algo.


Nitesh Nagpal nagpalnitesh
Full Stack Developer

@pix-x-mo India

Linhan Wang linhanwang

Virginia Tech Fulls Church, Virginia

Mohammad Ausaf AusafMo
cuda dis cuda dat, cuda just slept

ML Backend @Galleri5 Bengaluru, India

Cong-Thanh Vu vuthanhcdt
Standing on the shoulders of giants, looking forward to the future, and learning from the best
Computer & Comm Eng. student | Embedded Systems & IoT Developer | Data Science | 2D/3D Animator

SmartEdgeStrategies Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Hayri Yigit hayriyigit

Ordulu Technology Ankara, Turkey

tired of lying in the sunshine


Al~Mahi A-l-Mahi

Bauchi, Nigeria

Kalman | Systems+ mshastryieeeorg
We want to help your entity access, future markets and what is available. Right now you will need to build life affirming technologies in a practical manner.

Kalman | Systems+ | ACN 660 552 670 Sydney

DingShizhe DingShizhe
College student.

Beijing China

Rodel Jose Villa rodelvilla
Catching up on AI/ML Researching the intersection of LLM & Infrastructure

Electronics Engineer - Independent Engineering Practice Philippines

Linden linden713
There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it.

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

Tian X tianx-dev
ai infra @NVIDIA

United States of America

Vincent Tran Shindora
Developing myself to become a Fullstack Overflow DA AI


Interested in the intersection between Foundation Models, SAR and InSAR data.