a fully text-based concept written in java where you push a boulder up a hill forever past randomly generated terrain.
- . - background/blank space
- ඞ - player, can be moved with wasd
- ^ - fire, kills player and damages boulder, can be extinguished by boulder
- Σ - wall, cannot be walked through
- 0 - boulder, can be pushed by the player
- #, $, @, % - fog, represents unexplored area all characters can be modified in /game/main.java under /CHARACTERS/ section
- clone repository
- cd into root folder (outside of /game/)
$ java game/main.java
controls are handled through terminal text input, multiple inputs can be entered at a time, inputs are executed in the order they are typed
- wasd: move
- r: refresh map
- Original: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcYvDZKLQJ0&t=0s)
- MIDI: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BnaipwsQ6M&t=0s)
- Soundfont: (https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/23)