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Egyptians love subtleties

For regualr opposites see antonyms:
This page treats auto-antonyms or concepts of similar phonetics with opposite meanigs.

opposites are often related, because in all other semantic dimensions they are identical, as can often be seen in the synthesis.

opposites are often related, because the 'sign' is irrelevant in questions:
how cold is it? = how warm(caldus) is it?

𓂜𓈖 ein إِنْ ʾin vs إِنْ 𓃹 ∃
guest : host
balt : black
𒅆𒌨 ḪUL evil (eye) 𒄷𒉿𒀊𒉺𒀸 huwappa-, “evil, badness” *upo

🆚 vs versus obverse 𓁷 𓁶 opposite

x 🆚 y
macro : micro
wahr : wrong ( via n micro negation)
hypo *h₃ewp “down” : hyper *h₃ewp “up, over”
caldus(warm) : cold
𓎛 𓎿 𓋴 𓊡 | cold | hotz @ Basque ( caldo:heat )
top : taboo
👍 : 👎
vostok : west (𓋀𓏏𓏏𓈉 “side” < •thide 𓏏𓏏𓈉 ⇔ tide ?)
drag : trag : tura (push) tear
slave σκλάβος sklábos : salva (solve,save)
day 𒌓 : iḍ (night)
auf/up & ab

zzifi f day vs zzifi m night vs
ante :anti
deed : misdeed 𓊃 𓊪 𓊗 (?)
pull : pellere, pulsāre > push
𓂭 𓂝 wrong, cursed : 𓂝 𓈎 𓄿 𓂭 𓂭 accurate, correct !
𓃡 growl / 𓐍𓂋𓊤 cry𓎼𓂋𓀁 Gris=Gram
𓌨 •car > زیر zir 𒃻𒊏 šára ≠ sûr < super
𓌨 under:care ⇔ 𓌨 𓂋 𓊨 𓏏 𓉐 𓁷 𓏤 supervision ˢüberstellt

𓋞 Nebel : 𓋞 нєбо heaven, sky 𓇯 Nabᵒ = sun!
𓋞 amber ⚠️ 𒅎𒁀𒊒 im-ba-ru •µbaruⁿ “cloud, mist”

bien/bono/bonito : bane(ruin,curse)

𓃀 𓇋 𓈖 𓅪 bane “bent” bad ⇔ bend
𓃀 𓇜 𓈖 sweet, pleasant | bien / bom / bon / bene ≠ bane opposites
𓃀 𓈖 𓇋 𓏏 𓇜 𓏛 sweet : 𓃀 𓇋 𓈖 𓅪 •foul
𓃀 𓇋 𓈞 𓄑 𓀁 good deed : 𓃀 𓇋 𓈖 𓅪 evil
𓃀 𓅱 𓄤 𓆑 𓂋 beauty / goodness : 𓃀 𓇋 𓈖 𓅪 evil

𓂧 𓏇 𓇋 𓂛 𓀜 cleave | 𓂧 𓏇 𓇋 𓀜 joined schnitt vs symit?

𓃀 𓅱 | detest | ⇔ bad VERSUS
𓃀 𓅱 𓄤 𓆑 𓂋 | good, goodness |

dys ↔ : sys →← 𓊃𓈙 disk / Schüssel

śym 𓊃 ⋍ 𓍿𓊃𓋭 sys

𓈖𓏏 or 𓂜, Ante or Anti, that is the question
The similarity of opposites being/not being may have arisen through constructs such as
عندي شيء I have things => I aint time

𒋝 SIG •ضَيِّق ḍayyiq •dank thin,eng narrow ≠ thick => 𓎛 𓆰 𓈖 𓋴 𓅪 ᵋeng

set up ⇔ set down
lie ստել əstɛl a¬stell a'stell
sit նստել nəstɛl ne¬stell hin'stell : set sit steh

auto-antonyms autantonyms

Words that mean one thing and the opposite

a ∧ ¬a => ø

Words that are their own #antonyms
screen: both to conceal and to display (as with films)
fix: both a predicament and a solution
dust: both to remove and to sprinkle fine particles
bound: both to be moving and to be stuck
left: both what's remaining and what's departed
trim: both to add (as with dresses) and to remove
sanction: both officially approving and reprimanding
cleave: "to cling" or "to split apart".
clip: "attach" or "cut off".
dust: "to remove dust (cleaning a house)" or "to add dust" (e.g. to dust a cake with powdered sugar).
fast: "fixed" or "quick"
literally: "actually, in a literal sense" or "virtually, in effect".
obbligato: either "obligatory" or "optional" passage in music
oversight: "accidental omission or error", or "close scrutiny and control".
peruse: to "consider with attention and in detail" or "look over or through in a casual or cursory manner".
ravel: "to separate" (e.g. threads in cloth) or "entangle".
sanction: "approve" or "penalize".
table: "to discuss a topic at a meeting" (British English) or "to postpone discussion of a topic" (American English)
eve: The period of time when something is just about to happen or to be introduced Antonyms: evening, winter

near contronyms

appealing vs appalling

附 fù add : 负 fù subtract (fehl, Fuhre)
父 fù father : 妇 fù woman : 夫 fū partner

𓂸 𓏏 𓁐 | mother | parent pennt cunt

raw (soft egg) : raw (hard surface) ruhig : rage

super : sub šapliš 𒊭𒀊𒇷𒅖 ša-ap-li-iš under(neath) sûr : 𒆳;𒅂 kur kir₅

KUR Mountain ⇔
𓐍 𓂋 𓅱 𓀒 𓈇 𓏤 𓏪 | low-lying land | acro-core ⇔ 𓃭 mark
𓐍 𓂋 𓀒 | enemy | Karier? << Kardvan? …
𓐍 𓂋 𓅱 𓀒 | enemy | Crete Kurwa

𓂋 𓊃 𓌘 𓁼 | wake | rise / resurrect ⇔
𓂋 𓊃 𓌘 𓏲 𓏏 𓁹 𓏥 | awakening |
𓂋 𓊃 𓌘 𓏲 𓏏 𓁹 𓏥 | dream | recent rising risen arise երազ eraz resver™ > rêve

𓏱 to kill марын (maryn)
𓏱 to die мæлын (mælyn)

𓊻 necro
𓋹𓈖𓐍 •nakhᵘᵐ נשם נָשַׁם nashám ܢܦܫ 𓂊 nâšam 👃 "breath, life"

krank ≠ 𓋹 կյանք kjankʰ 𓋴𓋹𓈖𓐍 sank™ 生 shēng 身体 shēntǐ

જૂનું jūnũ vs young
տարեց tarecʿ vs 𒌉 TUR तरुण taruṇ / tinir tiny, young

𒀀𒁀𒀠 a-ba-al abal abaᵃˡ αὖος "dry" ob¬

𒀭𒋫 an-ta ante ἀνώτερος anṓteros = 1/under
𒀭𒋫𒅅 an-ta-ĝal₂ נאצל ᵃnéétsal noble +++

𒋛𒀀 dirig 1. exceed 2. fall

𓋴 𓏏 𓅱 𓏏 𓂻 stray vs steady

opposite religion?

𒄾 ḫul ≠ holy
𒄾 KUŠ₈ ≠ kosher

𒆗 KAL cul klein karg "rare, valuable" ≠
𒆗 kalag (to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for
𒆗;𒆗𒆷;𒆗𒂵 kräftig ⇔ 𒄥 GUR 𒃲 GAL 𒆗;𒆗𒂵;𒆗𒆷;kalag;kal-ga;kal-la

dark wheat ⚠️

𒍼 krank sick (semantic sic:)
𒍼 𒄃 •grain grano grûnë grurë قَمْح qamḥ 𑄉𑄧𑄟𑄴 gam gheg গম gom •gomg ≈ 𒍼 GING חִיטָּה khitá "(black)wheat"

sur:super 𒀀𒋩𒊏 ʷa-sur-ra ʷasura Wasser "water from the depths"

𓇔 sur:süd
𓇔 sour:sweet

𓂜 𒉡 no ≠ 𒈾 na ≈ ναί naí אין ’ēn "yes" in 𒈾𒉆 na-nam نَعَم naʕam consent

𒁔 BÚR Berg PIE *bʰerǵʰ "haughty"
𒁔 BÚR պարկեշտ parkešt apal pokorný blygsam 𐌷𐌰𐌿𐌽𐍃 hauns "humble" ≠ high ⚡︎

𒁍 SÍR vs 𒄮 sur "half"
𒁍 SÍR vs זעורא zūro 0 𒊒 "small"
𒁍 SÍR "great" vs זעורא zūrā zūro 𒊒 RU "small" 𓂋 0 zero 𒊒 #saghiru صغير saghir

𒋙 šuš set in 𒌓𒋙 sunset #šamši 𒌓𒋙𒍑 utu-šu₂uš 𒌓𒋙 utu-šuš₂ utušuš sunset; the West
𒋙 šuš ≈ šuǧ ≈ sunk 𒇟 šuš₅ sink
𒋙 šú sub
𒋙 šú superᵈ "surface" spread > coverᵈ => cloud سَحَابَة saḥāba 𒅎𒋛𒀀 ˢerpetu
𒋙 šú superᵈ ˢoverwhelm ≠ 𒋙 šuš ⚠️ opposites


venus is the epitome of duality by being the morning / evening star.

east vostok west

𓏏 •setting sun /
𓏏 •rising sun in
𓏏 𓋁 𓏮 | East, sunrise | •turk شُرُوق šurūq זְרִיחָה ⇔ Anatolia
𓆄 𓏏 𓅂 | West, sunset | সূর্যাস্ত śurjasto

man vs woman

𒉣 NUN •MAN male vs 𒊩 MUN nun

𒂡 šir₃ ⇔ •short صغير ṣağīr small ≠ 𒁍 SÍR 𓋴 𓂋 𓏮 𓃱 "great"

𓋴 𓇋 𓎛 𓃶 noble šľachtic "noble" vs schlecht

𒃲 GAL vs CUL

𒊊 UG₂ •URSA 𒊍 AZ "bear" 󳧖 vs
𒊊 UGᵃˡ ⇔ 𓅪 𓅫 cul klein "tiny, very small" opposites

𒋻 KUR₅ krank 𒉆𒋻 sickness 𒀠𒋻 mighty 𒋻 TAR stark (Old English)

ypsilon epsilon
stumm stimmhaft

𐀐𐀫𐀯 ke-ro-si γεροσ geros ⇔ 𐀒 𐀺 koʳwo κόρFος > κούρος kouros young man

𒀅 isiš₃ laugh/wail

𓀀 𓀀 𓀀 𓀀 𔖭𔖭𔖭𔖭 miⁿ 𓏠 macciT manche™ "few" ≈ much many

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