ratchet-with-push.js Public
Forked from sitepoint-editors/ratchet-with-push.jsCSS UpdatedMay 18, 2014 -
ionic-angular-cordova-seed Public
Forked from ionic-team/ionic-angular-cordova-seedThe perfect starting point for an Ionic project
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 23, 2013 -
device.js Public
Forked from matthewhudson/current-deviceDevice.js makes it easy to write Conditional JavaScript & CSS based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile).
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 23, 2013 -
FlexSlider Public
Forked from woocommerce/FlexSliderAn awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin
JavaScript UpdatedAug 5, 2013 -
acf-cf7-field Public
Forked from taylormsj/acf-cf7-fieldAdd one or more contact forms to a custom field
PHP UpdatedJun 11, 2013 -
simplecart-js Public
Forked from wojodesign/simplecart-jsA simple javascript shopping cart that easily integrates with your current website.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 21, 2013 -
mobile-boilerplate Public
Forked from h5bp/mobile-boilerplateA front-end template that helps you build fast, modern mobile web apps.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 5, 2012 -
_s Public
Forked from Automattic/_sHi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme …
PHP GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2012 -
zepto-range Public
Forked from jcemer/zepto-rangeInput range implementation to works with touch using Zepto
UpdatedAug 12, 2012 -
zepto-carousel Public
Forked from jcemer/zepto-carouselSimple Zepto carousel with transition
LIExposeController Public
Forked from LinkedInAttic/LIExposeControllerExpose style navigation for iOS apps
LESS-CSS3-Mixins Public
Forked from wagerfield/cssmixinsCSS3 mixins for LESS projects.
1 UpdatedFeb 28, 2012 -
supersized Public
Forked from buildinternet/supersizedFull screen background slideshow plugin for jQuery
basic-jquery-slider Public
Forked from jcobb/basic-jquery-sliderSimple jQuery plugin for rotating images or content. A continual work in progress.
impress.js Public
Forked from impress/impress.jsIt's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
css-social-buttons Public
Forked from smcllns/css-social-buttonsSocial sign-in buttons with css
1 UpdatedFeb 1, 2012 -
Snippets Public
Forked from circlecell/SnippetsA collection of HTML5 & CSS3 snippets.
scrollorama Public
Forked from johnpolacek/scrolloramaThe jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff
zepto Public
Forked from madrobby/zeptoZepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript framework for mobile and desktop WebKit browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API
Hashimage-WP Public
Forked from ramayac/Hashimage-WPwp plugin based on hashimage.com
PHP UpdatedAug 21, 2011 -
normalize.css Public
Forked from necolas/normalize.cssnormalize.css makes browsers render all elements consistently and in line with modern standards.
1 UpdatedAug 12, 2011 -
phonegap-start Public
Forked from phonegap/phonegap-startA starting-point for PhoneGap apps