Releases: pawbyte/Game-Pencil-Engine-Editor
Releases · pawbyte/Game-Pencil-Engine-Editor
v1.2.1 Release Candidate
Game Pencil Engine Changelog
Version 1.2.1[RELEASE CANDIDATE] Changelog
Sections are now alphabetized after "Engine Changes"
11 KEY changes made a multitude of other great changes...
[Critical Changes]
- Updated to SDL 2.0.7
- Fixed Scene Editor Critical Bug for Layer Panels
- Fixed Mouse X/Y bug caused by render phase in html5 runtime
- Fixed camera positioning bug in html5 runtime caused by render phase
- Split up "JS Compiler" settings from User Settings resource for potential enlargement and structure.
- Fixed bug where editor was unable to process at 60 fps and above.
- Sped up text editor to feel native thanks to the FPS bug fix.
- Game Controller input support added with up to 8 controllers allowed.
- GPE_Theme upgraded, minimalized and cleaned up
- Removed many un * necessary variables related to rendering and cameras.
[General Stabilization and Optimizations made.]
- Replaced support center popup with link to * Pencil * Engine/issues
- Corrected replace all bug of "adkb_dton" to "add_option"
- CONVERTED ALL .h and .cpp files to UTF * 8 format.
- Began adding basic translation support to gui elements( Not yet fully implemented )
[Engine changes]
- Html5 Export
- Added copy_rect() function to GPE_Rect class
- Corrected Mouse X/Y bug that set camera X/Y coordinates to 0,0 every frame
- Corrected Camera X/Y bug
- GPE_VERSION_NUMBER updated to 2
- GPR_MAJOR_VERSION updated to 2
- GPR_MINOR_VERSION updated to 0
- GPR_PATCHLEVEL updated to 0
- Only strict mode allowed
- Corrected rendableCameraCount increment typo.
- inits imageObj in GPE_GameSprite to IS_NULL;
- GPE_JSFile close_file function updated.
- Removed unreachable return in find_nearest_object function
- Commented out "find_newest_object" function implementation temporarily
- Removed unreachable code in "get_camera_mouse_x" and "get_camera_mouse_y" functions
- Processed "split_screen" function parameters from 1 * 8
- Removed unnecessary "this.fontFileName### [iRes] reference" variable from GPE_FontResource load_font function.
- Removed menuIcon variable from GPE_MainMenu.
- Removed duplicate "under_mouse" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Removed legacy "set_depth" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Fixed "get_path_original_size" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Fixed "get_path_size" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Removed typo of "33" nearby "get_direction" function.
- When debugging now has "### [DEBUG MODE]" in title * bar of HTML file
- Renamed "SuperSpatialPartition" class to "GPE_SuperSpatialPartition" for namespace reasons.
- Corrected update_size function in GPE_Rect class.
- Removed inputController variable from gpe. Users can either call gpe.check_keyboard(temporary compatibility until later version) or input.check_keyboard(actual class).
- Desktop Export
- No Changes
- Wii U Export
- No Changes
[C++ Changes in GPE_Engine folder / RUNTIME ]
- Created GPE_Editor_Init() and GPE_Editor_Quit() functions ( gpe_editor.h & gpe_editor.cpp )
- Created GPE_Init() and GPE_Quit() functions ( GPE_Engine.h & GPE_Engine.cpp )
- Input object now deleted on program close.
- Added GPE_Translator class( GPE_Translator.h and GPE_Translator.cpp )
- Added get_file_ext_last_dot for detection of files that have extra dots in them. ( GPE_Functions.h and GPE_Functions.cpp )
- Added GPE_Translator * mainTranslator to GPE_Shared_Resources.cpp and GPE_Shared_Resources.h
- Added render_only_text() function to GPE_Engine.cpp and GPE_Engine.h
- Modified all text * render functions to auto * translate when called.
- Initiates mainTranslator in bool init() in main.cpp .
- Renamed "userInput" global to simply "input" ( GPE_Input.h ).
- Added constants related to game controller input ( GPE_Input.h ).
- Added Game Controller class in GPE_Input.h and added array of them to input manager.
- Added CURRENT_RENDERER global variable in (GPE_Globals.h and GPE_Globals.cpp ).
- Added CURRENT_SCREEN_TEXTURE global variable in ( GPE_Globals.h and GPE_Globals.cpp ).
- Modified all render functions to be aware of CURRENT_RENDERER or the CURRENT_SCREEN_TEXTURE
- Modified all render functions to be aware of the current camera position
- Fixed bug where editor was unable to process at 60 fps and above. ( GPE_Input.cpp )
- Added set_name and get_name functions to GPE_InputManager_GameController class. ( GPE_Input.cpp )
- Added detect_controllers function to GPE_InputManager class. ( GPE_Input.cpp )
- Added all gamepad functions similar to its HTML5 runtime to GPE_InputManager class. ( GPE_Input.cpp )
- Fixed bug where set_fps was not resetting Timers. ( GPE_Timer.cpp )
- Added GPE_Translator class( GPE_Translator.h and GPE_Translator.cpp )
- Added get_file_ext_last_dot for detection of files that have extra dots in them. ( GPE_Functions.h and GPE_Functions.cpp )
- Created GPE_Runtime object and initialized it as GPE and gpe similar to JS * runtime.
- Geometry rendering taken from global function level and placed into GPE_Runtime object.
- Created GPE_Runtime object and initialized it as GPE and gpe similar to JS * runtime.
- Created GPE_MainGame object and initialized it as GPE and gpe similar to JS * runtime.
- Created GPE_GameObject object and initialized it as GPE and gpe similar to JS * runtime.
- Created GPE_SuperSpatialPartition object and initialized it as GPE and gpe similar to JS * runtime.
- Created GPE_SceneCamera object and initialized it as GPE and gpe similar to JS * runtime.
- Changed init function to GPE_Init() for namespace sake and is in engine level versus in main.cpp
- Removed unused constants/outdated ( GPE_Constants.h )
- Added IS_NULL to match JS * runtime. ( GPE_Constants.h )
- Removed loadedGPEFonts and other font related functions/variables from global level and placed inside of GPE_Runtime class. ( GPE_Engine.h and GPE_Engine.cpp )
- Renamed "RESOURCE_kb_AREA_HEIGHT" constant to "RESOURCE_AREA_HEIGHT". ( GPE_Constants.h )
- Renamed fpsTimer and capTimer variables to match "GPE_" namespace.
- Added destructor for GPE_Renderer class as well as moved global "windowIcon" variable to this class ( GPE_Renderer.h and GPE_Renderer.cpp )
- Created GPE_Shapes.h file headlined by GPE_Rect
- Expanded variables in ProgramState class and renamed to GPE_ProgramState.
- Moved GPE_PathPoint class to GPE_Engine.h
- Created get_name() function for GPE_GameObject class (GPE_Engine.h and GPE_Engine.cpp)
- Created global variable GPE_MAX_OBJECT_TYPES(GPE_Engine.h and GPE_Engine.cpp)
- Added Texture * Streaming flag to renderer for SDL platforms ( GPE_Renderer.cpp )
- Added set_blend_mode() function to GPE_Texture object with a choice of 4 constans starting with blend_mode_ ( GPE_Texture.h & GPE_Texture.cpp )
- Removed GPE_Texture* destination from parameters in GPE_Texture render functions ( GPE_Texture.h & GPE_Texture.cpp )
- Removed GPE_Texture* destination from parameters in GPE_Animation render functions ( GPE_Animation.h & GPE_Animation.cpp )
- Added get_mono_height function to GPE_Font class ( GPE_Engine.h & GPE_Engine.cpp )
- Removed constant MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH and MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT from GPE_Renderer and added new function to set local variables in window sizing ( GPE_Renderer.h & GPE_Renderer.cpp )
- Toolbar pops up if no other key but ALT is released and no other keyboard key is pressed, down or released.
[C++ Changes in AOSGUI(name pending) folder]
- PGUI_PATCHLEVEL updated to 2;
- Renamed "barBox" variable to "elementBox" to make better sense.
- Added scale_width() and scale_height() to GPE_GeneralGuiElement base class.
- Changes to GPE_Theme class formerly known as GPE_Template
- GPE_Theme class renamed to GPE_Theme ( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- GPE_Theme now has list of colors, template name and templateName ( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- GPE_Theme add_color function### [OVERLOADED as well] added ( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- GPE_Theme change_color function added ( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- GPE_Theme find_color function added ( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- GPE_Theme load_theme function added( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- GPE_Theme render_background function added( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- GPE_Theme save_theme_as function added( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- Removed (int xPos = 0, int yPos = 0,) from 1st two arguments for constructor for GPE_DropDown_Menu. ( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- Replaced all render_new_text() with render_only_text() in text_editor.cpp ( Code/Custom text is not translated on the fly ).
- Modified all render functions to be aware of CURRENT_RENDERER or the CURRENT_SCREEN_TEXTURE
- Modified all render functions to be aware of the current camera position * TO DO( Translate read * only input in text_editor.cpp )
- Sped up text editor to feel native thanks to the FPS bug fix. ( text_editor.cpp )
- Changed comment line backtrace to 50 lines above minimum. ( text_editor.cpp )
- Show Short Project Names boolean added to Settings ( ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- Renamed "load_fonts" to GPE_Load_Editor_Fonts()" ( "ambitious_gui_library.h and ambitious_gui_library.cpp )
- Changed debug information for when this function is called ( main.cpp )
- GPE_TextInputBasic set_name function no longer sets t...
v1.1.4 Release Candidate
Game Pencil Engine Changelog
Version 1.1.4[RELEASE CANDIDATE] Changelog
Sections are now alphabetized after "Engine Changes"
3 KEY changes made a multitude of other great changes...
[Critical Changes]
- Fixed Scene Editor Critical Bug for Layer Panels
- Fixed Mouse X/Y bug caused by render phase in html5 runtime
- Fixed camera positioning bug in html5 runtime caused by render phase
- Split up "JS Compiler" settings from User Settings resource for potential enlargement and structure.
[General Stabilization and Optimizations made.]
- Replaced support center popup with link to
- Corrected replace all bug of "adkb_dton" to "add_option"
- CONVERTED ALL .h and .cpp files to utf-8 format.
- Began adding basic translation support to gui elements( Not yet fully implemented )
[Engine changes]
- Html5 Export
- Added copy_rect() function to GPE_Rect class
- Corrected Mouse X/Y bug that set camera X/Y coordinates to 0,0 every frame
- Corrected Camera X/Y bug
- GPR_PATCHLEVEL updated to 4
- Only strict mode allowed
- Corrected rendableCameraCount increment typo.
- inits imageObj in GPE_GameSprite to IS_NULL;
- GPE_JSFile close_file function updated.
- Removed unreachable return in find_nearest_object function
- Commented out "find_newest_object" function implementation temporarily
- Removed unreachbable code in "get_camera_mouse_x" and "get_camera_mouse_y" functions
- Processed "split_screen" function parameters from 1-8
- Removed unneccessary "this.fontFileName[iRes] reference" variable from GPE_FontResource load_font function.
- Removed menuIcon variable from GPE_MainMenu.
- Removed duplicate "under_mouse" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Removed legacy "set_depth" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Fixed "get_path_original_size" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Fixed "get_path_size" function for GPE_GameObject.
- Removed typo of "33" nearby "get_direction" function.
- When debugging now has "[DEBUG MODE]" in title-bar of HTML file
- Wii U Export
- Unchanged
[C++ Changes in GPE_Engine folder]
- Added GPE_Translator class( GPE_Translator.h and GPE_Translator.cpp )
- Added get_file_ext_last_dot for detection of files that have extra dots in them. ( GPE_Functions.h and GPE_Functions.cpp )
- Added GPE_Translator * mainTranslator to GPE_Shared_Resources.cpp and GPE_Shared_Resources.h
- Added render_only_text() function to GPE_Engine.cpp and GPE_Engine.h
- Modified all text-render functions to auto-translate when called.
- Initiates mainTranslator in bool init() in main.cpp .
- Added constants related to game controller input in GPE_Input.h .
- Added Game Controller class in GPE_Input.h and added array of them to input manager.
- Added CURRENT_RENDERER global variable in GPE_Globals.h and .cpp.
- Added CURRENT_SCREEN_TEXTURE global variable in GPE_Globals.h and .cpp.
- Modified all render functions to be aware of CURRENT_RENDERER or the CURRENT_SCREEN_TEXTURE
- Modified all render functions to be aware of the current camera position
[C++ Changes in AOSGUI(name pending) folder]
- Added GPE_Translator class( GPE_Translator.h and GPE_Translator.cpp )
- Added get_file_ext_last_dot for detection of files that have extra dots in them. ( GPE_Functions.h and GPE_Functions.cpp )
- PGUI_PATCHLEVEL updated to 2;
- Replaced all render_new_text() with render_only_text() in text_editor.cpp ( Code/Custom text is not translated on the fly ).
- TO DO( Translate read-only input in text_editor.cpp )
[About Page Changes]
- Credits updated. Thanks Patreon backers!
[Audio Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Bottom Log/Search Panel]
- Unchanged
[Class Editor Changes]
- Exports .js files
- Exports meta data files
- Exports into project as just a "code dump"( not complicated at the moment)
[Code Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Compiler Tab / Section]
- Removed "useStrictMode" checkbox
[Examples Editors]
- Hello World Tutorial added
- flappy_crow updated.
- platformer example updated.
- super_crazy_battle_pong example updated.
[External Editors]
- Unchanged
[File Open/Save Menu]
- Unchanged
[Font Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Functon Editor Changes]
- Function code integrated into Search System.
[General Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Help Page Changes]
- Tutorials URL updated.
[Input Field Changes]
- Unchanged
[Object Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Path Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
["Pawbituous Compiler" upgrades]
- Now processes custom classes(In early Beta)
- Handles debug mode by using "gpepower_strict_v1_1_4_debug.js"
- Now safety, non-strict mode removed
[Project Browser Changes]
- Added CTRL+T Shortcut to open up Project Browser
- Allow Examples Projects to appear in both Recent and Examples sections.
- Fixed laggy redraw issue.
[Project Folder Class Changes]
- Modified constructor to take in 2 new optional parameters( projectLanguageIn and createBlankScene)
- Added std::string projectLanguage to the class' private variables
- Added std::string get_project_language() to the class' public functions
- Added GPE_ResourceContainer * RESC_CLASES to public variables.
[Project Properties/Settings Changes]
- Unchanged
[Scene Editor Changes]
- Fixed Panel bug in which Layer specific elements were not being processed and rendered.
- Corrected redraw problem for secondary layer when RedrawEveryFrame is disabled.
[Sprite Editor Changes]
- Image dimensions text moved to be above max-dimensions text
[Syntax Highlighter Changes]
- Added layerBeingChanged as 1st parameter for set_background function
[Text/Code Editor Changes]
- Sped up arrow keys to remove un-natrual delay time when typing.
[Texture Editor Changes]
- Image dimensions text moved to be above max-dimensions text
- Unchanged
[Tilesheet Editor Changes]
- Image dimensions text moved to be above max-dimensions text
[User Settings Changes]
- JS compiler split into new resource type
- Frame Cap now shows FPS_RATIO into as label
- Split Advanced Components into new tab
- Also added Input Delay fields into Advanced Tab
- Corrected "External Editors" section with bugged-padding issue
[Video Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
v1.1.3 Release Candidate
Game Pencil Engine Changelog
Version 1.1.3 Changelog
7 KEY changes made...
[Critical Changes]
- Empty media resource bug corrected [ Textures, Tilesheets and Sprites)
- Background Layer not displaying bug corrected.
- Code refactored to create clear layer difference between Editor, GUI and Engine/Wrapper.
- New System looks as follows
- Editor (coupled with a few editor specific GUI classes and functions
- Calls PGUI( temporary name)
- Calls Game Pencil C++ runtime
- Wraps SDL and handles file io, console, etc.
- Calls Game Pencil C++ runtime
- Calls PGUI( temporary name)
- Editor (coupled with a few editor specific GUI classes and functions
- New System looks as follows
- gpe_editor.cpp is now 10,403 lines intead of 33,031 lines with a few functions to be possibly moved to new files.
[General Stabilization and Optimizations made.]
- Dependency tree restructured
- Many compiler warnings fixed.
- "Alpha" suffix changed to "Release Candidate"
- Updated Credits
[Engine changes]
- Html5 Export
- Corrected background layer bug in which scenes were not showing background layer data.
- Wii U Export
- See Html5 Export changes
["Pawbituous Compiler" upgrades]
- Unchanged
- Unchanged
[General Editor & Gui Changes]
Bottom Log/Search Panel
- Unchanged
File Open/Save Menu - Unchanged
Input Field Changes
- Unchanged
Text Editor Changes
- Code moved to text_editor.cpp and text_editor.handles
- Optimized to depend on new Syntax highlighter
- Only checks for highlighted terms if is a code editor.
[General Editor & Compiler Settings]
Editor & Gui Settings changes made
- Added HideXScroll and HideYScroll to GuiList object.
- Functionailty added as well in process and render functions.
- Tip of the Day now uses this new feature.
- Project Browser Header List now uses this new feature.
- Added HideXScroll and HideYScroll to GuiList object.
Compiler Tab / Section
- Preparation for future obfuscation functions
External Editors
- Unchanged
[Functon Editor Changes]
- Function code integrated into Search System.
[Audio Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Video Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Font Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Sprite Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Texture Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Tilesheet Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Path Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Object Editor Changes]
- Corrected function editor code where improper NULL check was happening.
[Scene Editor Changes]
- Added transparent background to be visible in scene editor.
- General speed improvements and bug fixes applied.
[Project Properties/Settings Changes]
- Unchanged
[About Page Changes]
- Added GUI and GPE(runtime) information lines.
[Help Page Changes]
- Added GUI and GPE(runtime) information lines.
v1.1.2 Beta
Game Pencil Engine Changelog
Version 1.1.2 Changelog
5 KEY changes made...
[Critical Changes]
- Scene Editor default layer data* processing fixed
- Path Resource created
- Multiple cameras are now supported once more.
- Editor is now completely free as well. Deluxe features enabled on all future versions.
- Deluxe Version retired and will is now a fully fledged open source project.
[General Stabilization and Optimizations made.]
- Clean Windows, Linux and OSX build folder functionality restored.
- Fixed Linux export, where the != operator is not overridden when comparing ifstreams.
[Engine changes]
- Html5 Export
- Added gp_nokey and gp_anykey constants
- Greatly improved gpe.check_gamepad_down() function.
- Greatly improved gpe.check_gamepad_pressed() function.
- Greatly improved gpe.check_gamepad_down() function.
- Added gp_nobutton and gp_anybutton constants
- Added PS4 DullShock4 Default Button mapping
- Added gpe.font_is_monospaced() function.
- Added gpe.get_font_family() function.
- Added gpe.get_font_height() function.
- Added gpe.get_font_size() function.
- Added gpe.get_font_width() function.
- Added SuperVector.insert() function.
- Fixed gpe.center_camera() function.
- Fixed gpe.setup_camera() function.
- Added gpe.get_current_camera() function.
- Added gpe.split_screen() function.
- Added gpe.replace_background() function.
- Added gpe.replace_all_backgrounds() function.
- Modified gpe.set_background() function to be layer aware.
- Wii U Export
- See Html5 Export changes
["Pawbituous Compiler" upgrades]
- Updated to accomadate Version 1.12 changes.
- Exports fonts with more predetermined data* processing.
- Unchanged
[General Editor & Gui Changes]
Bottom Log/Search Panel
- Unchanged
File Open/Save Menu
- Unchanged
Input Field Changes
- Unchanged
Text Editor Changes
- Unchanged
[General Editor & Compiler Settings]
Editor & Gui Settings changes made
GPE Support Center added.
Multiple new GUI clases and functions added.
Compiler Tab / Section
External Editors
[Functon Editor Changes]
- Function code integrated into Search System.
[Audio Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Video Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Font Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Sprite Editor Changes]
- Blank sprites now auto* load sprite properties to 1 frame animation on image upload.
[Texture Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Tilesheet Editor Changes]
- Individual tile size increased from 512x512px to 2048x2048px.
[Path Editor Changes]
- Beta version of path editor created.
[Object Editor Changes]
- Unchanged
[Scene Editor Changes]
- General speed improvements and bug fixes applied.
[Project Properties/Settings Changes]
- Unchanged
[About Page Changes]
- Shortkeys Tab's text now loaded from local file
[Help Page Changes]
- Description Tab's text now loaded from local file