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Create a new contact

hertsch edited this page Nov 1, 2013 · 2 revisions

In the overview select the tab Contact.

Contact differ between two contact types:

  • PERSON - the contact record contain information about a natural person
  • COMPANY - the contact record contain information about Company, Institution, Agency or a association

The contact type can not be changed at a later time, so it is important to select the correct type at the beginning.

Based on the contact type the next dialog is specialized for a PERSON or a COMPANY.

Contact enable you and different applications to describe and manage contact records. To do this in best practice, Contact is using

  • CATEGORIES - which describe the main function of the record, i.e. that a contact is a Customer of your products. You can create as many categories you need. In addition categories enable you to add user defined data fields to the records of a category.
  • TAGS - which describe the properties of the record. You can define as many tags as you need and assign as much tags to any record as you want. Tags are used to filter and search for contacts

Select category and tags

Use the edit button at the right to edit or create new categories and tags.