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Predefined fields # Contact

hertsch edited this page Jul 7, 2014 · 2 revisions

Contact is using predefined fields, this names can be used in dialog definitions and in most templates. The predefined field names are also used to specify the fields for the import and export.


  • contact_id - integer, the ID of the contact record

  • contact_name - string, name to describe the contact record

  • contact_login - string, unique identifier for the contact, by default this is the primary email address of the contact, specified in communication_email

  • contact_type - choice, can be PERSON or COMPANY

  • contact_since - date and time field, specify the date and time since the contact exists in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

  • contact_status - choice, can be ACTIVE, LOCKED, PENDING or DELETED

  • contact_timestamp - date and time field, read-only, last change of the contact

  • category_id - integer, ID of the used category

  • category_name - string, the unique name of the category. In a dialog this can be dropdown selection field

  • tags - choice, unique names of the used #tags. In a dialog this can be multiple checkboxes for selection

  • note - text, general information about the contact, up to 65.000 characters, no HTML formatting

  • person_gender - choice, the gender of a person contact, can be MALE or FEMALE

  • person_title - choice, the defined titles of person

  • person_first_name - string, the first name of a person

  • person_last_name - string, the last name of a person

  • person_nick_name - string, the nick name of a person, used in comments and discussions

  • person_birthday - date field, the birthday of a person in format yyyy-mm-dd

  • company_name - string, the name of a company or organization

  • company_department - string, the department of a company or organization

  • company_additional - string, free additional information

  • company_additional_2 - string, free additional information

  • company_additional_3 - string, free additional information

  • communication_cell - string, cell phone of a contact, number will be checked and formatted

  • communication_cell_secondary - string, second cell phone of contact, number will be checked and formatted

  • communication_email - string, primary email address of the contact, by default communication_email wil be also set as contact_login and is also used as login name. Email address will be checked for logical errors and formatted

  • communication_email_secondary - string, secondary email address, will be checked for logical errors and formatted

  • communication_fax - string, fax number of contact, number will be checked and formatted

  • communication_fax_secondaray - string, second fax number of contact, number will be checked and formatted

  • communication_phone - string, primary phone number of contact, number will be checked and formatted

  • communication_phone_secondary - string, second phone number of contact, number will be checked and formatted

  • communication_url - string, URL (homepage) of contact, will be checked for logical errors and formatted as valid, complete URL

  • communication_url_secondary - string, second URL of contact, will be checked for logical errors and formatted as valid, complete URL

  • address_street - string, street of primary address

  • address_city - string, city of primary address

  • address_zip - string, ZIP code of primary address. ZIP will be checked using geo data and zip information of the desired country

  • address_area - string, area (small local region) of the primary address

  • address_state - string, state of the primary address

  • address_country_code - string, two characters in uppercase to specify the desired country

  • address_description - text, any description or additional information to the primary address

  • address_identifier - string, identifier for the primary address

  • address_appendix_1 - string, any additional information for the primary address

  • address_appendix_2 - string, any additional information for the primary address

  • address_secondary_street - as described above

  • address_secondary_city - as described above

  • address_secondary_zip - as described above

  • address_secondary_area - as described above

  • address_secondary_state - as described above

  • address_secondary_country_code - as described above

  • address_secondary_description - as described above

  • address_secondary_identifier - as described above

  • address_secondary_appendix_1 - as described above

  • address_secondary_appendix_2 - as described above

  • address_delivery_street - as described above

  • address_delivery_city - as described above

  • address_delivery_zip - as described above

  • address_delivery_area - as described above

  • address_delivery_state - as described above

  • address_delivery_country_code - as described above

  • address_delivery_description - as described above

  • address_delivery_identifier - as described above

  • address_delivery_appendix_1 - as described above

  • address_delivery_appendix_2 - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_street - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_city - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_zip - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_area - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_state - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_country_code - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_description - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_identifier - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_appendix_1 - as described above

  • address_delivery_secondary_appendix_2 - as described above

  • address_billing_street - as described above

  • address_billing_city - as described above

  • address_billing_zip - as described above

  • address_billing_area - as described above

  • address_billing_state - as described above

  • address_billing_country_code - as described above

  • address_billing_description - as described above

  • address_billing_identifier - as described above

  • address_billing_appendix_1 - as described above

  • address_billing_appendix_2 - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_street - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_city - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_zip - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_area - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_state - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_country_code - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_description - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_identifier - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_appendix_1 - as described above

  • address_billing_secondary_appendix_2 - as described above