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Run With Non Event Data

Chahat Deep Singh edited this page Jul 11, 2021 · 14 revisions

Running Testing Code On Your Own Event Data

  • Collect data using either a DSLR or a high speed camera or a raspberrypi camera. Note that you'll need a lot of bright artificial light or super high ISO for fast shutter speeds.

  • Now you can convert them to events using a fancy video to event convertor like v2e or use our simple matlab script for a naive method.

  • First convert the video file to frames using any tool of your choice with the naming convention frame%06d.png. A matlab script to do the same is given in Script/Vid2Frames.m. Be sure to change the values of ImgFormat, ReadPath and WritePath to the correct paths.

  • Now, run the Script/EventGenFromFrames.m script and be sure to set the correct value for ReadPath and WritePath.

  • You can download a video of the propeller shot with a Nikon D850 camera at 1/4000 shutter speed, ISO 25600, F8 from here, the image sequence for the same resized to 128x128 can be found here, the event sequence generated using the naive method can be found here and finally, the outputs of our network can be found here.

Here's an example of non event data with EVPropNet output for the above sequence:

D850 Sequence D850 Output

Now follow the instructions of Running Test Code On Sample data to run the test code on your own data. Note that this approach will not work as well as data collected from a real event camera.